Chapter 35

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The door to my room opened, and Ana came in with a stiff posture and a tight smile

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The door to my room opened, and Ana came in with a stiff posture and a tight smile.

"Dinner's ready, come whenever you feel like eating," she said before leaving. Her tone wasn't as cheerful as it was before. She probably wasn't used to getting into arguments with Blair.

I stayed in my room for a few more minutes before going out for breakfast.

By the time I reached my seat, I realized the tension was thicker than it was before. No one spoke, and no one bothered to break the silence. That was, until Blair plopped several blueberries into her mouth, and then paled.

Her hold on her bowl of porridge tightened, and I heard her mutter a string of curse words under her breath.

Ana stood from her chair. "What's going on?"

Blair took several deep breaths before exhaling loudly, then saying, "It's nothing, just choked a bit."

"It didn't look like you just choked a bit, did the vampires put something in our fruits? If you won't tell me anything then I'll taste it myself."

Blair's eyes glazed with an emotion I couldn't recognize before saying, "I dunno. They might have but I don't feel anything unusual."

Anna stared at her, as if she was trying to figure something out, before leaving the room, dragging Blair behind her. I heard the door close, and Oreo just grumbled, not seeming to have noticed what had happened.

He looked... well, sick. His fur was messy, sticking out on ends and he got agitated at the littlest things. Then he looked at me and spoke with his rusty voice.

"I should have told you earlier, they- um, I mean, we don't know where Caine is. They tried keeping him inside but his wolf went completely insane."

I sent him a questioning look which made him continue, 

"The curse- it's been with him for years, it should have weakened the human body by now, but his wolf was taking all the blows and protecting his human, pretty much what any wolf would do. So the curse weakened his wolf for centuries, and now, the poor wolf's mind is soaked with the poison of the curse. This is just our theory of course, it could be something else."

Guilt crept up my stomach.

Caine's wolf has been holding the curse back for centuries, which meant that my appearance has somehow weakened his wolf to give in to the curse. Or maybe my appearance caused the curse to get more powerful. It's either of the two.

Oreo read the meaning of my silence and said, "Its not your fault. It's not anyone's fault. Life can just be tough sometimes."

I grimaced, "Usually the person is tougher than life, but I guess I'm just not part of 'usually'."


I just laid on my bed, unable to sleep.

I felt sleepy, yes, but my senses refused to shut down, and my eyes were peeled open, staring at the night sky through the large clear window, the curtain set aside.

The moon was up and bright tonight, a full moon.

A normal wolf in the pack house would be chained in the basement by now, because werewolves lost all control to their wolves during a full moon, but my wolf was surprisingly tame these past few months, which was extremely convenient for me, since we aren't in the pack house.

Oreo, however, seemed to be missing. Maybe he went back to his den to see how the others are doing, or maybe the full moon affected them too, but I wasn't too sure.

After a few more minutes of silence, I heard a long, powerful howl of a wolf. Most probably an alpha wolf.

The howl seemed filled with longing, pain, and despair, which sent my wolf in a bit of a frenzy.

For a moment, I thought that my wolf would break free and take control of my body, but she didn't. Instead, she sent panic waves through our bond.

Then it came again, another howl, but this wasn't as long as the other. This time, it wasn't meant to express or let its feelings out, it was meant to call.

And again, my wolf responded by sending waves of worry, concern, and panic towards me.

"Its going to be fine, sheesh, the treehouse is well-hidden," I linked to her.

"Its not the place I'm doubting you idiot. Its him."

Oh, did my wolf really think Caine would be in any danger? Maybe he was causing chaos around him, but he couldn't possibly be hurt. He was an ancient wolf with pure alpha blood.

Is he okay though?

Of course he is. I blame the mate bond for that stupid question.

Suddenly, pain started coming from the bond that mates have. It was a signal for help- when your other half is hurting, you'll feel a small pinch. It's to alert you somehow that your mate is in danger.

My wolf panic-panicked this time, and took all control of me.

Sliding the glass window aside, I- or my wolf- shifted into a white wolf, leaping out of the edge of the balcony, searching for my mate.

My wolf ran across the woods, tracking Caine by his scent, paws thudding hard below me as I ran as fast as the wind- that was an exaggeration but I've never been this fast or this filled with adrenaline before.

I swiftly leaped over a pile of branches, sidestepped obstacles, and just ran.

In this place, his scent was stronger, and so was the smell of blood.

I could feel my wolf's- I mean my heart hammering in my chest. Was he okay? What if he was caught unguarded? His wolf is out of control.

But as I neared, I noticed something. The only scent I could sense was Caine's.

Not a trace of any other's scent, how could he be in danger when no one else is there?

My wolf took the last few steps toward her mate and I felt like killing my wolf for her stupidity.

There he was, in wolf form, clawing himself to cause blood to drip down his thick coat of fur.

Waiting for me to come.

And I'd- no, my wolf had fallen right into his trap.

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