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Thunderous black clouds enveloped what would usually be a blanket of blue overlooking a calm day on the land below. Harsh winds whipped between trees that usually stood motionless, pushing them until the weakened trunks almost cracked and allowed them to sail into the soaking sky. Torrential rain plummeted to the ground that was usually heated by sparkling sunlight.

Today was not one of those days.

Today, rumbling of thunder echoed through the strangely humid air as it combined with the cold. Hours worth of rain poured from the darkened sky, feeling like there could be no end.

(Y/n) sighed, seeing the shades of grey that spread through the otherwise silky white clouds like ink moulding into paper through the crack in the curtain.

The roaring of the thunder felt like it rattled the house, the house that she kept herself locked inside to protect someone very special to her.

Her body felt like it was on the edge, but she couldn't have been slouched into the sofa any more. A blanket softly flopped across her shoulders, the rest hiding a trembling mound beside (Y/n) that her hand remained underneath.

"Is it gone yet?" came a quivering voice from the hill of blankets and pillows to block out the tumultuous noises that shook the house.

"Not yet."

The innocent little voice released a devastated groan, the simple sound having the weight of his life bringing it down.

(Y/n) continued to caress the ball of fuzz that had indeed become a ball in a state of fear, head buried in the rest of his body so his pointed ears could block everything out.

The rumbling of thunder and pounding of rainfall seemed to have died down, the garden outside no longer looking like a soggy marshland and the street no longer appearing to be an overflowing river.

(Y/n) smiled, turning to the shaking heap of what should be used for comfort and decoration of the couch. Her fingers carefully ruffled the fur she could feel underneath.

"I think it's gone now."

Slowly, the blanket unfolded. Azure eyes sparkling with uncertainty peeked out from the shadows under the silky sheet. An unsure frown was carved into his fluffy face, the rest of his body carefully crawling out.

Tails emerged from the mountain of pillows, gently nudging them away to shuffle closer to (Y/n). He focused on moving his little body, coated in golden fur, to distract him from the weather chaos that had seemed to deteriorate outside.

Gloved hands wrapped around (Y/n)'s waist, Tails' head resting on her shoulder with his fox ears pressed down. He flung his two tails across her chest, burying his face into her shoulder as worry wouldn't stop brewing up inside.

"Are you sure?"

To answer the question, a flicker of light shot through the slither of the outdoors that could be seen between the curtains. A flash. A flare. A gleam. A glint.

It only lasted not even a second, but the thunderous crackling that accompanied it did not agree with Tails.

The little yellow fox shrieked, face buried deeper into (Y/n)'s shoulder. His ears couldn't be pushed any further closer to his head to muffle out any more noises that to him sounded like they belonged in a horror movie.

(Y/n) kept a hand to his back and another to his tails, both sets of fingers rubbing his saffron fur as his breathing tickled her shoulder every time a shaking wheeze escaped.

Tails' whole body began to tremble, tears stinging his bright blue eyes that remained scrunched closed in fear.

Although the flash of light had been gone for a few minutes, he could still see the flicker of fright playing through his mind. The rumbling of the thunder wouldn't leave him alone, ringing in his head.

(Y/n) continued to stroke his back and tails, her own head resting onto his. She provided him with gentle sshh sounds, feeling his breathing calm and quivering disappear.

Before she knew it, (Y/n) could feel Tails' breathing slow down to a gentle rhythm. She shuffled her head for her (e/c) eyes to see him fast asleep on her shoulder.

She smiled, bringing the blanket from before and swathing him in the comfortable softness.

(Y/n) kept her head atop of Tails', planting a gentle kiss to his forehead as her own eyes fluttered closed until she too fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.


♡ 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 ♡Where stories live. Discover now