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"Oh Tails, it's so horrible!"

"It's so painful and so disgusting!!"

"Why do girls have to go through this!?"

The break of dawn shattered the peace even harder in the living room, sneaking through the window pane with blinding strength even though the curtains buried it underneath. Such brightness couldn't seem to be contained, and needed to shine to whoever was around to admire its beauty. It was light in colour due to its recent rise, the gold not having striken through the streaks bent across the carpet, and not having recovered from the conflict against the shadows of the night to slide up the horizon to begin with.

Tails accompanied the sofa, taking in every word with a fixed gaze that made him seem like he was under a spell. His vivid blue eyes didn't even dare to blink, only shifting downward when his tongue craved another mouthful of the toast balanced to the plate in his hand. Honey drooled from above the butter spread thinly atop the lightly cooked bread, thicker and at a champion shade of gold over the sunbeams varnishing the carpet. The sweet stuff pleased his throat, and its glow once lifted to meet Tails' ivory muzzle against those beams was an exact replica of his saffron fur.

He nodded slowly, not sure how to take this situation on board. He tried not to fall into the trap that honey was trying to draw him into, the sugar gleaming from each dribble making his tongue instantly want more, even if he had just swallowed the last dose. The fox needed this, the syrupiness acting like medication for the disrupted night he gladly threw into the trash of the past. Although he refused to blink in concentration, his eyes throbbed with a craving to do so. He could feel water ready to drip out, but ignoring it was the option he chose, even though it stang.

Tails wanted to be there for (Y/n), even if he had no personal experience alongside her for whatever this was that was troubling her. He couldn't empathise, only sympathise, and that didn't feel good enough. She plopped herself into the midst of the morning sun, interrupting the smooth strip conquering the curtains. Legs crossed and arms flailing in frustration, complaining about her pain - Tails felt like a therapist. Light made her face clearer, projecting over the tear stains to her cheeks flustered red underneath and fresh ones that hadn't fallen yet.

Her (e/c) eyes were shaded a horrible black beneath them, exhaustion glowing from her pale skin everywhere but those burning cheeks and moist lips. Her night's sleep hadn't gone so well, including waking up at least every hour to visit the bathroom due to this "period" business Tails still didn't understand. Nonetheless, he listened to her explanation, still recovering from his own disturbed sleep as he took the final nibble from the slice of toast. He didn't mind leaving some crumbs, but he made sure all that honey was long gone.

He wanted to be supportive, as (Y/n) was here to have an enjoyable stay at his place for once, but it was like Mother Nature was watching her from above and was one of those nasty people who sucked pleasure from seeing others suffer. At least that's how he saw it from her ramblings he felt were as holy as the bible. Tails left his plate to the side table and slid from the sofa cushions sculpted for his two tails to rest in place, arms ready to bring (Y/n) into the embrace he could see her drained (e/c) eyes wobbling uncontrollably wishing for the most.

Before he had even reached her, he was buried in her. Tails could feel her fingers softly yet tightly digging into the vivid yellow of his fur, gripping his shoulders to gently drag his body closer but with a hidden drive. He felt (Y/n)'s body tremble as his face was immersed into her shoulder, chilled lightly at the surface. He could sense the presence of a lump bulging in her throat, at a suitable distance to swallow but with no way to remove it unless she cried. He could feel her neck shivering, and the back of his head heated up.

♡ 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 ♡Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu