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I finally thought of a sequel, @Gal_Infortune and @twiiliight_ !!


Darkness remained outside the homely atmosphere that radiated from the Mean Bean Coffee Café. A navy shade painted the midnight sky like watercolour oozing into thickened paper to absorb the dampened colour, shimmering stars hidden between the clouds that shrouded above like shards of silver glitter sprinkled to the artistic piece.

Robotnik stood with arms intertwined like snakes wrapping around one another, eyes above a frown buried in the exaggeration of his signature moustache locked to the colossal screen that illuminated the darkened room with blue and red and white.

Agent Stone remained by his side, hands held together across his velveteen suit that sparkled in softness. His grin shone in the luminance projected by the monstrous technological equipment that had remained secretive within the walls of the café until the doctor's return he was certain would come, face gleaming that it was this very day.

(Y/n) Robotnik observed the exact same screen, not quite as intrigued as her father or as giddy as the man who had served as a paternal figure towards her for the past year.

Another coffee was placed against the same surface she had awaited her father's return upon, but the push of a button Stone had been eager to do for as long as it had been installed to the café transformed it to a technological wonderland.

(Y/n) could admit she was rather hesitant to perhaps slip a finger to the innocent segment of the surface infested in screens, activating something mistaken that could cause the entirety of the street thriving outside the welcoming café explode in a millisecond.

So she kept her hands to the warmth that emitted from the mug, inhaling the soothing steam that transmitted from the coffee that resembled the enriching hue of dark chocolate into the already rather stuffy air.

She took a hasty sip to compose herself, awaiting the screen to project progression in what the three of them patiently anticipated with reassurance slipping down in heat that resembled lava rather than comforting coffee.

Well, since the resolution to her father's disappearance, the unforeseen four of them.

Knuckles sat beside her, a few cushioned barstools to the right from where his slightly agitated companion sat. His monstrous fists blending from strongly structured arms tinted in vivacious red gripped the counter illuminated in lights that could hypnotize you in a second.

His eyes reflected the lights of the screen like a disco ball to the glistening floor of a party, but the prominent violet shade to his irises remained the most noticeable. And they remained fixed to the screen that projected Robotnik's greatest enemy's private communication with his father figure, awaiting for Sonic's text message conversation to continue.

All it read in the current moment from contact name "Donut Lord";

How's it goin'?

Robotnik raised his eyebrows with a finger embedded in a softened black glove to his chin as another message leapt to the opposing side of the screen in a cyan bubble to contrast the shade of red the pixels of the tech blended into its counterpart in contact.

Just chilling. Watching TV.

"Just chilling. Watching TV." Knuckles sternly read aloud, like he imitated one of the doctor's robotic machines.

(Y/n) observed the next message develop to the divergent side of the screen during the last dribbles of coffee she subtly slurped down to obtain all the caffeine ridden beverage she could.

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