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Irritable beeping of the monotonous alarm clock stirred (Y/n) awake, a hand slamming it into silence after seconds. Beams of sunshine that usually brought emotions just as bright into her day didn't seem to have the same awakening effect any longer.

(Y/n) had only been awake for about a minute, but already wanted her (e/c) eyes to remain closed and for her already exhausted body to collapse back into slumber.

She held a hand to her head, preventing any aching from rising inside just from the idea of going to school. She didn't want to face it, constantly feeling like an unwanted outsider from the comments that exploded like bombs as soon as she stepped into the building.

Her duvet flung back over her entire body, blocking out everything other than her breaths that already began to quiver and the feeling of warm tears already trickling down her face.

Time ticked on, but (Y/n) didn't care. Heat underneath the blanket increased, the distressed girl below holding back sobs even though the day she could feel the aura of pain irradiating from hadn't yet begun.

She just wanted to go back to sleep and delay any further what felt like punishments once she entered the building that radiated the feeling of imprisonment.

"(Y/n)!" She heard a voice that immediately calmed her nerves, nothing but excitement thriving within.

Pounding footsteps battered the floor after the front door clattered closed, (Y/n)'s boyfriend racing up the stairs.

Sonic the hedgehog peeped through the crack in the door, morning sunlight gleaming across the mountain of blanket his girlfriend cowered underneath.

Sonic sighed, yet with a small smile creeping across his muzzle. He noticed the duvet mound quivering, his grin fading as he entered the room.

Sonic perched himself to the edge of the bed, gloved hands ruffling the silky comforter before allowing his fingers to crawl across (Y/n)'s body.

With no response like he had predicted, Sonic carefully placed himself atop of (Y/n). He could feel where her body was placed, sinking within the mattress that became soaked in tears.

Sonic slid his legs across her waist, chest meeting her back as his arms enveloped around her shoulders. He rested his chin beside her neck where he could feel her head buried within her hands.

"Wakey, wakey..." Sonic smiled into her neck with a whisper, a small giggle breaking through the sobs.

"Hi, baby." came a muffled greeting, Sonic's smile growing through the nickname that delighted his ears.

"Hey." He chuckled, (Y/n)'s face peeping out from underneath the blanket that hid her from the rest of the world.

More weak laughter filled the air as (Y/n) slowly turned over, Sonic remaining atop of her. He nuzzled his moist nose against hers, emerald eyes locking with (Y/n)'s (e/c) orbs after they reopened.

She smiled through her tears, Sonic's gloved hand caressing her cheek.

"You're gonna be late to school..."

(Y/n) sighed, the rather romantic moment she hadn't been expecting shattering like how her heart felt whenever the words of hatred attacked her ears.

"I don't care..."

Sonic pouted, hand remaining against her cheek that appeared to be dusted in a gentle shade of rose as she nestled deeper into it.

"But you need to go..."

"Why? Everyone hates me..."

"What do they actually say?"

(Y/n) sighed once more, deeper and harder. The mesmerizing shade of green that harmonised with that of an emerald gemstone thriving in Sonic's eyes enticed her into speaking the truth.

"They bully my looks."

"You're beautiful."

"They're angry I'm dating you. It's full of fangirls."

"So what? They're just jealous."

Their eyes remained locked for the whole conversation, (Y/n)'s glistening with teardrops while Sonic's glimmered with hope.

"Who cares what they say?"

"It's every day..."

"Wouldn't you rather listen to me?"

(Y/n)'s reply crumbled in her throat before the words could escape, understanding what Sonic said and realising her mistakes.

"Just be yourself. They're jealous of how amazing you are. They're jealous of how beautiful you are..."

(Y/n) smiled further, Sonic's gloved hand remaining against her cheek that felt like a flame roared away within it, knowing what was coming as his grin became a smirk.

"They're just jealous you're dating the fastest thing alive..."

(Y/n) giggled, looking away for a second while Sonic's gaze seemed to stare to her in astonishment.

"But you know who they should be jealous of the most?"

(Y/n) locked her eyes back with his.

"Me, because I'm dating the most incredible and beautiful girl in the world..."

Her heart felt like it skipped a multitude of beats, sounding almost silent for a second as (Y/n) froze from the sweetest words she had ever heard through Sonic's mesmerising tone.

Sonic chuckled, nestling his muzzle into her neck with a hand across her cheek and another caressing her shoulder. His relaxed and rhythmic breath tickled (Y/n)'s neck, calming her down.

"So, should I take you to school? So you're not late, and so I can show them what I'm made of..."

(Y/n) giggled, a hand brushing its fingers across Sonic's quills as her nose tickled the top of his head. She felt a few tender kisses press against the cheek opposite to the gentle touch of his hand.

She fell in love with how he wanted to put an end to this, to keep her happy. She fell deeper in love of the idea of Sonic carrying her at incredible speed, breezes battering against her face and remaining in his arms for no longer than a few minutes but what felt like years.

She fell deeper in love with him...

"And then, we could have another cuddle when you come home?"

Another few kisses decorated her cheek, more bundles of laughter escaping.

"Your'e too charming, you know..."

Sonic chuckled deep into her neck, sending trembles of love down her spine.

"But, yes, I would love that."

"And I love you."

(Y/n) grinned through the emotional agony that seemed to no longer exist, the tears glimmering in her eyes fading away to reveal the happiness Sonic caused to twinkle within.

With the same thought simultaneously, the two of them leant in for a final kiss. She could feel Sonic smiling into it, the breakage of the connection being something she never wanted to feel.

Their eyes locked back together, Sonic chuckling before (Y/n) could feel his arms wrapping underneath her more awakened body.

"Come on, baby. There's no time to lose!"

(Y/n) screamed in joy, Sonic swiftly scooping her into his arms for a bridal style journey.

She gripped the pyjamas that slid from her shoulders, laughing uncontrollably with a struggle to release the words needed.

"Sonic! I need to get dressed!"

"Oh, right..."


Author's note - Okay that was way more romantic than the previous one I labelled as most romantic- and to clear up school ideas in this chapter Sonic could be like 18 and (Y/n) however younger it could be to mean she's still in school? I don't know LOL, but hands up if you think Sonic giving the reader tonnes of cheek and neck kisses at once is gonna become his thing! 🙋‍♀️ I'll try and make the next few stories not so sad too, haha 🙃


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