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Dawn showered its charming light into the depths of the lawn that flourished outside a house where the residents were about to encounter the most heavenly experience that could creep up on someone in life.

(Y/n) knew this was meant to happen. She could almost have a gut feeling that her relationship with the one and only Sonic the Hedgehog would pan out in this way, like God had already inscribed it into the scripts that time acted out the five or so years ago their bond began.

But that gut feeling could be taken into account perhaps at a little more than metaphorical. Sun's rays awakened (Y/n) further from the night's slumber that she'd been tossing and turning from, the enticing light of the warm day that had broken from the cold night stroking the new place of her body her heart felt. This so called gut feeling really was there, if not quite painful in a way and almost adding the dreaded but inevitable sensation of nausea to (Y/n)'s otherwise joyous experience.

She allowed her droopy (e/c) eyes to stroke her stomach where the Sun shone across, like a signal from the heavens above to do so. She could just about see the small amount it was raised underneath the blankets that enveloped her during the night and enclosed her into the desired trap of much needed sleep.

Sure, (Y/n) had the blissful company of her child that she couldn't be any further desperate to meet, but having to come to terms with the fact she would have to wait a good seven months or so, but the next question enlightening the bulb of her brain and leading to the words just about managing to press against her tongue was to be... where was Sonic?

(Y/n) gave a chuckle to herself, her admiration and devotion to the cheeky blue speedster thriving in her voice as another hand patted the heated crumples of the mattress where her adored hedgehog had slept. Her weakened legs tossed the blanket from her insulated body that would have to meet the air of the room at some point. She kept a hand to her partially grown stomach whilst swinging her feet to the edge of the bed and pressing them to the softened carpet to begin the day that the alluring sunlight seemed so desperate for her to do.

She had an idea where Sonic could be, her slouched body sluggishly sweeping the floor with her feet until she reached the staircase. A yawn broke between her weary lips once she reached the first floor of the homely house, said lips becoming an uncontrollable smile once noticing Sonic in the kitchen.

(Y/n)'s grin grew with her predictions being correct, her beloved blue boyfriend leaning by the windowsill within the room you could give the title of as the heart of the home with crossed arms. He looked in deep thought, but not the kind that could throw someone off from what was happening in the real world, because from the irresistible smirk that reflected from the window's glass (Y/n) could practically see what was on his mind.

Becoming a father.

And her entrance that he could notice behind him through the same pane of glass that allowed the two of them to observe the life thriving outside could also have been an ingredient for that expression.

Sonic allowed his heels already embedded within his signature crimson shoes although it was only around seven in the morning to spin his whole body around. His smirk grew and eyelids flickered down halfway once (Y/n) was right in front of him, his pregnant girlfriend attempting to sneak up on him before his sudden movement being the reason why the two of them were now so close.

"Morning." She innocently smiled, feeling Sonic's gloved hands slip around her waist and somehow pull her forward even further.

"Morning, baby." He almost whispered, the tender touch of his breath dusting a feeble shade of pink to (Y/n)'s cheeks.

♡ 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 ♡Where stories live. Discover now