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It had been a month.

Only a sole month since the dispute had been resolved for good.

A month since (Y/n) prevented unnecessary conflict from slipping out of hand, stitching up the gaping hole between her two relationships that dragged her to either side and snapped her heart in two.

Only a month...

And now (Y/n) felt it was time to take that next step. The one carved into the staircase of this sort of relationship that would need more strength and more patience, a willing nature, to climb up. It was time to stitch her life together with some thicker thread, and bring those separate sides into one.

To say she was nervous would be an understatement - feeling sick to her stomach weaved into weakening intertwinement. She was beautifully comfortable with how things were now. Both relationships fulfilled her dreams, wishes, fantasies, but perhaps one would have something the other lacked and vice versa, you could comment. And perhaps they would need to understand the benefits of one another and restrain from becoming competitive.

She didn't mind, certainly comfortable with what she had, and comfortable to appreciate it. Not every girl you see wandering the street has the privilege to label two hedgehogs her "boyfriend", so her views should never be misinterpreted as complaints.

It just felt strange leaving one to descend to the other, constantly back and forth. No matter how much confidence she gathered to speak the truth and use her words to generate a rhythmic orbit between these two planets she felt she was jumping between, she always stumbled at the last hurdle.

That being to actually say anything, because although she felt it to be wrong, it also felt soothingly right. It felt illicit to run back and forth between two separate relationships, but as previously stated, maybe one would have something the other failed to please her with, and the blessing to move between them gave her the chance to explore everything.

Some days she would spend with Sonic - the energetic hedgehog of that dazzling blue always sparking a giggle from a tickle to her stomach with an enlivened laugh of his own bringing heat to her cheeks, always injecting that lively nature into her bloodstream as their hands interconnected at the fingertips before sliding deeper into place because they both knew it was right, always aware that a wink and a sly smirk activated her adorable state of a blushing fit...

He seemed to encourage her to unlock that wilder side she never knew existed, persuading her to join him on a few thrilling adventures. She never imagined to feel so alive with blazing eruptions showering her shoulders in crisp ashes and the warmth of explosive flames caressing her from behind after a stimulating and oddly satisfying battle.

She would replay Sonic bouncing between robots until they collapsed over and over, his cheeky dialogue reading through her mind like a script with her smile irreversible from the memories of his stunning combat to any enemies daring to trace the planet with evil schemes and desire for destruction. She never depicted herself in Sonic's hold, a hand meandered under her knees curved at the underside with another keeping her chest into his.

She never thought her veins could contain so much adrenaline, her pounding heart bursting in her chest from the glow of excitement by shattering the sound barrier while in Sonic's comforting arms. The wind to her face and the warmth radiating from the depths of Sonic's neck with her arms tightly around it brought her to life, her heart also running at the speed of sound from his breath rippling across her softened collarbone.

He would take her to safety, the two of them admiring the beauty of the aurous summer shade dribbling through the heat emitted from the setting sun. (Y/n)'s heart would gently miss a beat whenever the golden touch radiated into a softened glaze across Sonic's smiling eyes depicting precious emeralds. His arm would swing around her shoulder, fingers rubbing below his nose with a chuckle before his unoccupied hand crawled down her forearm to lock with her fingers.

♡ 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 ♡Where stories live. Discover now