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I'm fine. I'll be fine.

These were the only words that consumed (Y/n)'s head as a sensation of unbearable aching felt like it was clawing its way through it and could send a crack down her skull at any moment. It felt like she had a second heartbeat pounding in her brain, like she could hear it thumping away right next to her.

Her actual heart slammed against her chest, deafening as it seemed to ring in her ears. She felt tense, like every movement would put her at risk of ripping a muscle. Her legs felt dead and her stomach was being stabbed and kicked to shreds like a punching bag. She felt like vomit was building up inside and would be ready to hurl out at any minute, like someone had punched her guts about.

(Y/n)'s fingers grabbed her aching head, aggressively rubbing it with a growl and all hope violence would be the answer. It left more strain to her head and made her scream into a pillow, feeling like this was never going to leave her alone.

She stuffed her face further into the cushion of the sofa she had been curled up on for what felt like forever, keeping any tears that stung the corners of her (e/c) eyes back. The pillow became a victim to more muffled shrieks as the discomfort became intolerable.

"Mother Nature you're such a-"


(Y/n) stopped dead after being interrupted in her fit of anger at the metaphorical being responsible for the mess women have to experience once every three weeks, preventing any profanity from escaping her gritted teeth. The single word made everything freeze, the beautifully relaxing tone causing (Y/n)'s fit of enragement to shrivel up in a second.

She turned over against the comfort of the silky sofa, aching stomach becoming visible as she flopped onto her back. (Y/n) violently rubbed her eyes for any tears that may have dribbled out to disappear, flinging her (h/c) hair back to hide her state.

"Hey." She gave a fake smile to someone at the door, someone who she held close to her heart that continued to sound like it was just inside her head rather than her chest as it sent deafening pounds through her skull.

Sonic the hedgehog leant against the door frame, just his shoulder brushing it with both arms and legs crossed. (Y/n) could feel her heartbeat somehow racing faster at the sight of his half-lidded emerald eyes and cheeky smirk.

"Feeling any better?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

(Y/n) smiled through her lies while lifting herself up, acting like nothing was wrong before the stabbing pain of her stomach caused her to wince uncontrollably. She gripped the slither of skin above the sudden shot of agony, hoping holding it until it felt like it would rip would help.

Sonic sighed. "I can see that you're not."

"No, really, I'm fine."

Sonic took a seat beside his girlfriend, clearly in pain but doing her best to hide it. She clawed her fingers into her stomach, maintaining a fake smile as the tears from before threatened to leak out again.

Sonic wrapped an arm around her shoulder, feeling the unnaturally fast rise and fall through her panicked breaths. His gloved fingers gently rubbed her shoulder as his head nestled into the opposite, gentle ssh sounds calming her down.

(Y/n) could feel comfort flooding back from just a touch from Sonic, manic breathing slowing down. She felt his head snuggle deeper into her neck, his other arm resting on her aching stomach and curing the pain like magic.

"You sure?"

"Well, I am now."

Sonic smiled into her neck, voice muffled as he replied with a chuckle that would always make (Y/n)'s heart pound from within her chest. She could feel her cheeks heating up a little from the comforting touch, tears sparkling in the corners of her eyes once again.

But this time she couldn't hold back.

They began to slither down her cheeks, fingers of her free hand hastily wiping them away before they trickled to Sonic's head. Her smile became genuine through the tears that now poured from her eyes, Sonic noticing as some dampened his blue quills.

"Sorry..." (Y/n) stuttered between breaths of crying, wiping them away from his head and with no hope from removing the stains on her cheeks.

Sonic's emerald gaze looked up to see (Y/n) sobbing, feeling her body shaking as his head moved away. He turned to face her, gloved hands carefully gripping her shoulders so her crying state could be more visible.

"I knew you weren't okay..."

(Y/n) nodded, (e/c) eyes scrunched closed as the floods of tears caused her to almost choke on each stumbled breath. Sonic brought her into his chest, arms back around her for her head to nuzzle into his neck.

Gloved hands rubbed her back gently with more calming ssh sounds, soothing her emotional pain. Tears continued to pour for what felt like forever, Sonic planting a few tender kisses to (Y/n)'s cheek as her breathing continued to slow.

The agony thriving in her stomach seemed to die. Her headache withered away. The tension in the rest of her body calmed down. All she needed all along was Sonic's gentle touch.

He kissed her cheek a couple more times before the embrace broke apart. Sonic sighed, holding a gloved hand to (Y/n)'s chin as her puffy eyes locked with his.

"Can you just tell me what's wrong?"


Sonic sighed with a small smile, having a vague idea what that meant from previous outbursts, days of doing nothing but lay on the couch, and exhausted explanations. He wanted to support (Y/n), even if he didn't understand what she was really going through, like the responsible and caring boyfriend he knew she deserved.

(Y/n) winced quietly, eyes screwed closed again as she leapt from the sofa darting to the door. She clenched her stomach again, more tears threatening to fall as she disappeared upstairs.

"Speaking of that pain in the a-" Sonic heard (Y/n) scream until her angered voice faded away upstairs.

Sonic frowned as the room fell into silence, (Y/n) footsteps thumping against the floor becoming inaudible. His fingers ran through his vivid blue quills in thought, sighing once more. He flung his legs onto the sofa so his entire body coated the velvety material, hands across his stomach with fingers intertwined one another and his quills bending upwards as his head met the armrest.

(Y/n) returned moments later, almost running back down the stairs. She just wanted the pain to end, and she just wanted to be back in Sonic's arms.

Sonic welcomed her back into the living room with a smile, legs spread apart ever so slightly with hands held out towards her. (Y/n) giggled at that irresistible smirk, tears still staining her cheeks as she snuggled back into Sonic's chest.

Her legs slid between his, back pressed against his chest as she leant her head into the warmth of his shoulder. Sonic nestled his head beside hers, gloved hands locking with one another across her stomach. He made sure not to press too hard, a gesture that made (Y/n) smile through the remains of long gone sadness across her cheeks with her (e/c) eyes carefully closed.

Sonic smiled into her neck, emerald orbs also closed as (Y/n) could feel his nose rubbing against her cheek. She giggled at the tickling touch, fingers caressing Sonic's. She felt him gently plant some more loving kisses to her cheek and neck, making her giggle further that was music to Sonic's ears.

All the pain from before had gone. The intolerable stabbing sensation attacking (Y/n)'s stomach became a unobtrusive ache. The vomit that felt like it thrived in her throat faded away, the sickness tossing her stomach around completely disappearing. The only sound deafening her ears was to be the gentle breathing of Sonic, relaxing her and sending her into the peace of sleep.

Sonic continued to smoothly kiss her cheek, feeling her breathing calm down to a beautifully tranquil rhythm. That's when he noticed she was peacefully sleeping, bringing a smile to his face as he nuzzled back into her neck until he too fell into slumber himself.


Author's note - Wow that was definitely the longest and most romantic oneshot I have ever written- anyways, HAPPY EASTER! 🐣 And sorry if some of the descriptions were a bit yucky, for some reason I find it incredibly easy to describe the horrendous pain of periods- 🙃


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