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Black flooded the sky. A thick, inky, unpleasurable black. Not even the glowing of the stars could be seen through the blanket of black. Overpowering, manipulative black.

Flames engulfed the miniscule amount of construction that attempted to become a place of shelter for the deteriorating residents of the quickly demolished city. It blazed into every crack between the scraped bricks, raging onto every piece of cultural pleasures that it could possibly terminate to shreds with only a few flicks of fire.

Buildings crackled and fractured and crumbled by the minute, rumbling like thunderous earthquakes approaching the deserted area and distributing the few residents that could hear the groaning of danger of demolishing damage.

(Y/n) ran. She ran faster than she even considered that she could. She didn't think such a pace for her bare feet was possible. She could feel the collision between her heels and the shattered roads that looked as though a monster had shredded it to pieces with ghastly claws of immeasurable size shiver up her body and send the same beat throbbing into her aching head.

Her breath felt like it couldn't slip through her lungs and back out into the air so hot it rippled in sight, like her said lungs were prepared to collapse if she took another breath that was just too deep. She could feel the burning temperature of the tarmac that screamed for repairs scraping at her feet, but she couldn't let that slow her down.

Right now, her (e/c) eyes squinted ahead to make out the shadowed shapes in the pitch dark, keeping focused to eventually reach the end of the ceaseless roads. (Y/n) had one goal and one thought running through her aching mind only...

To find Silver.

Her partner in heroic duties to save the years ahead from being burnt to a crisp like the present day had gone off to do just that, and hadn't returned. So (Y/n) could only consider one reason why he hadn't reappeared in the previously luxurious building that had become nothing but blazed rubble that they called home.

Something had happened to him.

But it was too dark to see, and (Y/n) kept a hand to her chest to control the racing beat of her terrified heart with every thunderous step of her aching feet. It felt like the sky was becoming darker, even though it was obvious it couldn't. It seemed like God had poured ink between the clouds and blocked any luminance of twinkling stars from peeking between them to catch a single glimpse of the drama slowly building up below.

(Y/n) knew time was running out. She'd lost track of how long she'd been searching for Silver, her heart sinking once she came to the evident conclusion. The road had come to a horrific end, the blazed tarmac crumbling in piles alongside the gaping slither that screamed down the middle. Fire burst between the cracks, the flames of disaster cackling demonically as they burnt away at whatever evidence of civilisation managed to survive the last attack.

(Y/n) knew she had to leave before the monster buried deep in the inferno had a chance to break out and engulf her in a matter of milliseconds. With a deepened sigh that cracked her heart like how the blazes ripped the roads, (Y/n) headed back. There was nowhere else she could look. She'd searched every demolished buildings in case he'd become a victim to one becoming a mound of rubble as he stood under it. She'd searched every corner of every street that made up the city that would resemble Hell for the rest of time if nothing was done soon.

But Silver was nowhere. It was like he'd disappeared into one of the hundreds of puffs of smoke that exploded from the depths of the flames every second. (Y/n) felt a trembling breath leave her chest, a hand carved with scars rubbing at her (e/c) eye that tingled with disheartenment to prevent any tears from spilling out.

♡ 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 ♡Where stories live. Discover now