Chapter 24 - Healing

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Zander POV:

"Okay Zander, I trust you. Goodnight."

Those we're the last words she spoke to me before she fell asleep. I can't even describe, how her words made me feel.

"Let's not break her trust. Not ever!" Said Shadow in the back of my mind. "I can't wait for Saturday I need to touch her and I don't think I can hold back for much longer." He added.

Earlier when we were in the forest and I heard her screaming I barely managed to take my clothes off before Shadow forced the shift. I almost turned up there naked and that would have freaked her out for sure. I didn't even think twice about shifting in front of Alessia as I know she knew more than Alexa did. More than she led on at least. She didn't even look surprised when I had turned into my large midnight wolf. She definitely didn't have a wolf but she ran pretty fast considering she was human and running on foot.

I had a feeling Crim was up to something but I didn't expect it to be getting rid of me and his mate, just so he could bite Alexa. The thought alone had Shadow growling menacingly into the night sky and me pacing angrily in our head. Shadows howl held warning to those who would dare cross us. The rage and pain we felt for Alexa caused us to be desperate and unpredictable. We were capable of anything at that moment.

I knew deep down Crim was only trying to help Alexa and he could sense my protectiveness over her. He fooled me to avoid a fight. I understand why he did it, but fuck it still got me mad. Just the thought of not being able to protect her twice in two days was too much for Shadow and I to bare.

My thoughts finally faded as I fell into a deep calming sleep, lulled by the sound of Alexa's steady breaths. I was beyond exhausted after the lack of sleep I've had over the past two days. I'm sure not much time went by when I felt someone flick the light switch in the bedroom on and off. On, off, on, off. Through my closed eye lids all I saw was black and red, black and red. Just as I opened my eyes ready to yell at the person flicking the switch, I noticed no one was at the door or near the light switch on my right. I realised I didn't actually hear the flick of the switch to begin with. Then I saw a warm glow appear on my left where the bed was. I shot upright instantly and what I saw stunned me.

Alexa's necklace was glowing and so was Alexa. The pendant was slightly brighter than she was. It would start off dull and get brighter and brighter then start to fade. The colour was almost like I was looking at the orange yellow light from the sun on a warm summers day. The glow looked like the same glow you see when you are watching a candle light flicker in the dark. After seeing the glow disappear and reappear a few more times I realised Alexa's puncture wounds on her neck we're oozing the last of the venom. It was almost as if her pendant was trying to push out the last few drops of the foreign venom. We didn't bother to dress them after Crim bit her as he insisted they needed air to heal better and scar less. Before my eyes the small wound looked cleaner and preparing to heal. I kneeled closer to her to get a better look, then quietly moved back so she wouldn't wake up and freak out if she saw me. I got back onto my makeshift bed and fell back asleep.

Alexa's POV:

I had the best sleep ever last night. I'm not sure if it was because I was so exhausted after so much lack of sleep lately or if deep down I felt the safest I've felt in a few days, knowing Zander was in the same room, but either way I felt much better.

I felt hot during the night and remembered pushing the sheets down towards my feet. I opened my eyes and noticed the room was still dark. I could just see small rays of sunshine peeking through the closed curtains that hung elegantly from the window.

I felt an intense urge to go to the bathroom so I quickly shot up out of bed. As my feet moved, they tangled in the sheets. "Uugh" I fell face first onto.. the floor? No. Something hard and much warmer.

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