Chapter 45 - Catch Up

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Alexa's POV:

"I.. uh.. made everything I entered in a different colour so you could delete it if it was wrong, and I separated your two sheets from the eighty nine I entered, so you can just put it back in the box if I used the wrong papers. I'm sorry if I -" Mr pain cut off my nervous rambling with a laugh.

"Haha! I'm not mad Alexa, I'm surprised. I may be fast with my punches, but I am very slow at typing. How did you figure out what I was doing? This work would have taken me two days to complete!"

"Oh, it wasn't hard and you left me an example or two. The box and papers you entered were also the only thing on the desk. I figured it would help you out and it's not like I had anything better to do."

"Well if your interested in helping me out a few times a week I could really use the help? I'll offer you $20 an hour."

My eyes almost widened, but I decided to play it cool. "Make it $25 and a minimum of ten hours a week and you have a deal." I said with my hand out. He shook my hand and smiled. "You have a deal."

I smiled. "Great, you know I would have done it for $20."

"I was about to offer you $30 but had a feeling you were going to haggle harder than you did." He said laughing, as my jaw dropped.

"At least I know I'll get a good raise when I prove myself. Oh! Before I forget, I know I just got the job but I can't work this Friday the 4th May to Monday 7th May I won't be in the state.

"No worries Alexa I'll see you on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays starting on Wednesday 9th when you get back."

"Thanks Mr Pain! See you then." I walked in the kitchen and said a quick goodbye to Allison who was on the phone talking to her friends about the wolf on her new cast. As I went to head towards the front door Mr Pain called out my name.

"Alexa," I turned around before he continued. "I know you already know my name now, and we seem past acquaintances, so you can call me Drake. Welcome to the team!" I smiled at his words.

"Okay, see you tomorrow Drake!"

I ran all the way home that day, and we explored some of the forest to make Glimmer happy. By the time I got home it was around 5pm. Alessia and Crim appeared outside my house as I turned up. I rushed towards Alessia and squeezed her tight. "I missed you so much! Please tell me you have time for me today?" I asked her while smiling at Crim with a hopeful glint in my eyes.

"Yeah, Crim doesn't get much work done while I'm around, which has been a lot lately." She said laughing and casting Crim a cheeky grin.

"Bye Crim! We'll include you next time!" I yell out dragging Alessia by the elbow as he disappeared into a ball of shadows. He had a smile on his face right before vanishing. This vampire always seems happy, or maybe it's just because I always see him when his around Alessia.

We both sat on my bed. Alessia was wrapped up in a warm fluffy blanket. I was still to hot to do that. There is a small television against the wall opposite my bed, our favourite series Smallville was playing in the background and a bunch of snacks on my desk under the television. I was so hungry after all that running I inhaled most of them.

"So tell me how the dinner went with Crim's parents." I ask Alessia as she munched on some popcorn.

"Well it could have gone better if it actually involved food and not two humans being the main snack, courtesy of Ash crashing the catch up. It was meant to just be a short meeting to introduce myself but ended up being extremely uncomfortable." Alessia admitted.

"Okay, give me the details and don't leave anything out!" I reply plopping myself up against some pillows.

"Alexa, I was living in a real life nightmare! Everything seemed too much for my brain to comprehend. There was bright red blood smeared on the large white table cloth and blood filling up wine glasses direct from someone's arms and neck. Most of their clothes were white and not their normal black. I guess they enjoy watching the contrast like a piece of art." Alessia inhaled deeply before continuing.

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