Chapter 59 - Date

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Alexa's POV:

After a filling lunch, Alessia and I sat down with my mum and Wendy. They both went over a few rules and taught us basic knowledge witches should know. Everything seemed straight forward, from elemental magic to those born with it in their veins, and of course black magic. It all made sense after a few hours of questions. They even handed us a spell book. I was told Alessia had already been training and practicing spells and potions since her eighteenth birthday, so she was handy to have around, and I had some catching up to do.

After our study session Crim dropped by for a little, and I was able to get to know him better. Alessia finally introduced him to both our mothers officially, and everyone seemed really accepting and at ease. Sadly he couldn't stay for long due to Ash causing some issues back home, and Alessia decided to tag along for the ride. I knew she had missed him after spending so many days apart from each other. "I'll see you Saturday for the Alpha ceremony." Alessia said before they disappeared into a ball of smoke.

After a nice cold shower, I was getting ready for tonight. In the bag that Alessia gave me earlier, was a peach coloured pair of matching bra and underwear, that were covered in lace. There were also metal handcuffs, and a bright blue dildo. Glimmer was peering out curiously. "Okay I get why the sexy clothing and handcuffs are there, but she knows we're a virgin, why would she have given us a dildo?" Glimmer asks.

"I don't know.. but if I do know one thing, it's that Alessia doesn't do things by accident so we'll bring them along and see what happens." I reply.

I get dressed in a short, high waisted, light blue denim skirt and a white crop top. The warmth of my skin couldn't handle too much clothing and I knew it was going to be a warm night. I paired them with flat nude ballet shoes and my delicate wolf bracket Alessia gifted me. The black onyx coloured wolf, drawing all of my attention. My hair cascaded in long brown waves with two front pieces braided loosely, meeting in the centre behind my head.

When the doorbell rang, I gave my mum and Wendy a kiss goodbye and told them not to wait up. Mum was handling everything so well. I guess she understood how consuming mate bonds were. Wendy and Mum had agreed to come back here with us  girls, with the plan to go back and make residence in the Bright Star pack with their mates, after they knew we were safe.

I grabbed a small bag and filled it with the remaining items I couldn't wear, before opening the door. I froze as I took in Zander's appearance. His midnight coloured hair was short on the sides, and longer on top. It was styled upright messily, a look only he could pull off effortlessly that made me want to run my fingers through it. He wore black jeans, black shoes and an open black leather jacket with a white t-shirt. The tight shirt, while covering his delectable abs, still could not hide the smooth ridges I so desperately wanted to touch. My fingertips twitched with anticipation, but I pushed the feeling aside.

"Ahem." Zander cleared his throat as the left side of his lips tugged up in a smirk. He clearly caught me ogling him, even though I knew he was doing the same. A light pink dusting stained my cheeks before I smiled and shrugged. "I can appreciate a good thing when I see it." I leaned in close to his ear before speaking my next words. "Besides, I plan on seeing a lot more of you tonight."

I've never seen Zander blush the way he did, and it was adorable. He grabbed my hand and lead me to his car. It was a midnight black Lamborghini. Zander opened the doors and I watched as they raised towards the sky. Only after I sat down on the beautiful cream leather seats, did he close it. Zander's scent was strong in this small space, and calmed my nerves instantly. A picnic basket sat by my feet, along with a small picnic rug that was wrapped up into a small ball.

"You look absolutely beautiful Alexa, and I plan on making sure you follow through with your words." Zander said before starting the car and driving off.

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