Chapter 29 - Redemption

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Zanders POV:

Once Alessia and Crim vanished in a cloud of smoke, I turned to Ella. "I need that dress." Ed and Ella started laughing. "I thought you were going in a black shirt not in a dress." Ed was laughing a lot more as he spoke.

"No, not for me, for her!"

"Ohh! Haha" Ed laughed in realisation.

"No." Ella said with a straight face.
I glared at her. She knew I could use my Alpha voice on her but flexing power is not something I like to do unless absolutely necessary. Besides I prefer to rule with respect and mutual understanding rather than fear.

"Let me explain why." She continued. "Grandpa once told me about this dress and it's importance. This dress was blessed by Lucy herself. She said it will protect any witch who wears it and also stretch to their exact size, however only a powerful witch will be able to see its true colours and be drawn to it. It also chooses the witch and doesn't always show itself to those not pure of heart. To you or I, it will appear to be a normal white dress, however Lucy told grandpa it actually shimmers in other colours depending on the witch's mood. The colours can only be seen in the moonlight because that is when it's power is most awakened and pure. Grandfather wrote down the dress colours and they change as follows:

Blue - calm/ happy
Red - passion/ excitement. If flashing red it's a warning something bad will happen.
Green - Dress is using magic to help the witch, sometimes without her knowledge.

"Sometimes colours can also mix. For example if someone is happy and excited they might see purple. Or if they are filled with passion and the dress decides to do something to assist the witch she may see brown." Ella concluded.

"Ella, that is way too complicated for me to remember, no wonder grandpa wrote that down. If it was so important why didn't I know about it until now? I could have locked it away and put it in a large safe." I asked.

"Well when grandpa went back into the room after escorting Lucy to her car, it was gone. Lucy said not to worry that it will turn up when it's ready and that it has a mind of its own. It did turn up, the same night Alexa and Alessia were attacked, Alexa found it somewhere I know it shouldn't have been." Said Ella.

Now Ed stood up leaning both hands flat against the table as he spoke. "Let me get this straight. It turned up after years of being lost and Alexa found it, yet you didn't think that was a big enough sign? You even said that night you were in the dining room, that you saw weirder things that day and that you think you met a witch."

Ella nodded thoughtfully. "Okay so you do have a point, but in my defence at the time I refused to sell it, I didn't know Alexa was special. Once I locked the shop up and heard the commotion, I followed the voices to see the vampires surrounding Alexa, and Alessia bleeding out. Only once I saw Spike bite into Alexa and started choking did I realise she wasn't only human. I think she's half human half witch, because after she punched him in the face he burst into flames. You should have seen it, he exploded into ashes within a split second and scared the other vampire. He ran faster than my eyes could track him."

I glared at my sister before hiding my expressions. Only when my face wore an expressionless mask did I choose to speak; "Can I at least see the dress, please?" I asked in my nice voice and smiled at her. I just needed to get my hands on it.

"Okay but I'm not planning on handing it over just yet." Ella admitted before standing up and going into her bedroom. When she opened the door, she gasped, then ran back to the dining table where we were seated.

She began pacing and I watched 
as her hands began shaking. When she stopped, she turned to me. "It's.. It's gone!" She said in disbelief. "I know where I left it and no one could have gotten to it without my key." She said plucking one out from around her neck.

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