Chapter 111 - Blood Bath

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Alexa's POV:

A large scary growl filled my ears coming from my left. One I ignored to finish the job I had to do on my right. I felt the flames turn hot as my body felt the desperation of the situation. Red flames turned orange and yellow crackling against the cool night air now that the sun had just set. As I noticed the melted corpse of rogues that had been in an upright position, I also noticed some pack members looking hot, sweaty, and relieved. The surrounding forest took some of the hit, burning in the far distance. 

"Guess we gave it to much juice!" I thought to Glimmer. "Wait, why haven't we been torn to shreds?" Glimmer voice brought my attention to my left.

"What on earth were you thinking!" Jax growled angrily at me while ripping the still beating heart out of the angry rogue. I swallowed down the urge to vomit at the dripping blood and gore in front of me. "Seriously! You just burnt fifty rogues to a crisp and me ripping one heart out has you feeling sick!" Jax gave me a deadpanned look, traces of his anger still lingering in the air.

I looked at Jax in shock, remembering how he could tap into my emotions. "Well, it was either all of them or me!" I snapped at Jax for not understanding my sacrifice. 

"No Alexa!" He growled angrily. "Have you forgotten the prophecy already? If you die and are not here to defeat the witch, we all die! Not just our pack, the entire world!"

I felt his anger fling into me, as if it was my own. I blinked shocked at all his emotions. Despite his angry words I could feel his protectiveness over me. He cared more for me than for the world but knew exactly what to say to get my head in the game. 

"You're right Jax, I'm sorry." I say realising the bigger picture.

"If that rogue hadn't hesitated feeling how hot your skin became when you blasted that orange and yellow flame, I wouldn't have made it to you in time!" He said jumping towards another rogue that leaped our way. 

"As much as I hate to admit it, Jax has a point." Glimmer says. "Maybe we can keep our body heat hot when they get close. Use it to our advantage." I hummed in agreement. 

"Wait, I killed at least eighty percent of them, how are they still coming?" I yell out watching both Jax and Zander tear apart any rogue who stepped within a ten meter radius of me. I had felt Zander's anger surge through the bond but ignored it when I also felt his pride and understanding. He knew he would have done the same if he was in my shoes, so didn't bother telling me off the way Jax had. I had also felt his relief at Jax being there to save me.

"The tree line!" Zander yelled out. It was then I realised we weren't fighting the rogues we first saw, but new ones. They looked stronger and better trained than the others and were coming from the tree line. 

"What! There's too many of them. We've been fighting for an hour now and our guys are getting tired. They need to rest!" I say seeing everyone was slowing down and getting sloppy with their movements.

"Oh yeah.. let's just take a break and have a cup of tea!" Jax laughed kicking another in the stomach. "How do you expect them to rest when there are rogues attempting to tear everyone's throats out?" Jax said sarcastically. He turned back to kick the same rogues snout, breaking it and a few teeth in the process.

A familiar sharp pain echoed through my heart as I felt yet another life being taken from us. "How about a line of fire?" I say out loud to Jax and Glimmer.

Jax furrowed his brows trying to imagine what I had been picturing. A quick nod by Glimmer was all I needed to get to work. With a flick of my wrists, large trees uprooted themselves and fell onto a bunch of the rogues. I dragged the trunks into as many as I could that had been running from the tree line. I stacked at least twenty of them up on top of each other creating a two meter high curved wall before setting it a light. 

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