Chapter 52 - Home

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Alexa's POV:

The soothing hum of the engine created a calm atmosphere in the plane. Cool air blew my hair out of my face as I laid there with my eyes closed thinking about that morning.

After Dads announcement Alessia and I got to briefly see dad before leaving. As I approached him I heard another voice backstage. 

"Dad I'm not going to be ready to take over the whole pack in three years! What were you thinking?"

"Donny I said three to four years and trust me you will be ready by then. I've never let you down before have I?" Dad said ruffling my half brothers hair. 

"Why can't my older siblings do it? It's the eldest child who has the right to this pack."

"Donny, we've gone through this, Alexa only found out yesterday she was even a wolf and a witch. She has a witch hunting her, and a lot on her plate as it is. The last thing she needs is us adding to it. Besides, the pack knows you and trusts you already. You will do great! Trust me."

Donny turned around sensing my presence, and walked over to me with a blank face. "You're her aren't you? You're sudden appearance is the reason my parents have broken up." He says with traces of pain poorly concealed in his eyes. There was no hatred though, only pain.

I gave him a sad smile, I expected him to be upset but I hoped to get to know him. "You're him aren't you?" I used his words against him. "You're the lucky one out of the three of us." I stated watching his face contort to one of confusion. He frowned not understanding where I was going with it.

"You're the child who got to wake up to both parents every day, who didn't have to believe a lie that their father was dead. Who didn't grow up believing they were human. The child who didn't have to relocate every two years in order to stay alive. The child who got to make friends without ever needing to say goodbye. The child who never had to share a bathroom or listen to their mother cry herself to sleep on the night of their birthday when she thought you were asleep." I looked up at dad seeing his glossy eyes filled with pain and regret.

"Despite everything you had that we didn't, there is one thing you missed out on." I said gently.

His face was less defensive now and his eyes held curiosity. "What was that?" He asked.

"A sibling to share all the pain and hurt with. A sibling to pick on and drive crazy solely for your entertainment. A sibling who will be there for you no matter what." As I finished my last sentence, I embraced him in a big hug. He stiffened at first, and then relaxed into it before eventually hugging me back. The look on dads face alone was worth it. The joy, pride and relief all merged into one expression I'll always remember on him.

"Nice to finally meet you little bro!" I said as I ruffled his hair. "I'm sorry I have to leave so soon but it will be safer for you all if I'm not here." I said walking up to give dad a big hug. One longer than normal to make up for our first.

"Your mother will fill in any blanks I may have missed, but please know I'm only a phone call away. Make sure you only use the burner phones I have placed in your suitcase to contact any of us, as we will be watched closely by the evil witch now." My dad says as he loosened his embrace.

"You know there is a good chance she might come after you to lure me out now." I say worried for the family I now knew I had. 

"Don't you worry about us. We have incredible allies and unlimited weaponry and training. Besides I know a witch who's great at protection spells." He said smiling at my mum who just walked in.

"Even if she gets her hands on me I will die happy, finally getting to see you and your brother after all these years. I'm so proud of you and your brother Alexa. If we all survive the fight that's coming we will be together again. I promise." My father said giving me one last hug goodbye. "I love you my little moon."

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