Chapter 85 - Brotherly Love

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Alexa's POV:

"Allison, I hear this flower is meant to be lucky for someone for a few hours after it's picked. I'm not sure if you need any luck today but it's yours to do whatever you wish." As Allison's fingers wrapped around the stem she smiled. It was obvious Ned was stumped. His serious look turned to that of confusion. So did Zander's. If Ned thought the flower was dangerous why would I give it to a little girl I adore so much? There was no faking my fondness for Allison, and Ned knew that.

"Oh I get it!" Glimmer laughed in my mind before continuing. "Allison doesn't have a wolf or mind link yet, so it won't have any effect on her. But how can you be sure she will give it to Abe?"

"I can't be certain, but I have a huge feeling she will, and lately all my gut feelings have been paying off." I replied while keeping my face an emotionless mask.

I walked over to Bella, Abe's mate. "Here these are for you. Welcome to the family. I can't wait until mum comes down and gets to meet you!"

I overheard Abe warning Zander to take care of me and felt Zander's amusement coming through the bond. "Oh don't you worry Abe, your sister can take care of herself. It's me you should feel sorry for, you'll see."

"As nice as this reunion is, I think you have both forgotten someone very important." Alessia's voice emerged from the crowd. She stood next to my mother. I was in shock to see her here but later discovered Abe had invited her to also meet Bella. I gave mum a big hug. "I missed you so much mum! How's dad going?"

"I missed you too my beautiful girl. Love the new look." She said picking up a few strands of my hair and tucking it behind my ear. "He is doing well. Said to give you and extra squeeze from him."

Not seeing as much of my mother had really made me realise how much I took for granted. She had been spending most of her time at dads pack working things out and going back and forth a bit. Guess she was also lonely since I had practically moved in with Zander and his family, while Abe was running a pack with his newly found mate.

After a few minutes of introductions and warm embraces, I changed into my warriors outfit with Ella's help.

Abe simply undressed into a pair of boxers. My outfit was the same one I wore when I fought against Jax for the first time. The gladiator style dress fit like a glove. Speaking of, I had removed my white gloves now that I didn't need them.

The solid chest plates looked like diamonds in the shape of large scales. The edges and grooves surrounding my breasts and thighs caught the light casting rainbow coloured rays against the grass below me. The individual pointy strips that hung from the skirt we're just as sharp as before, and hung lightly down my thighs. The thick, stretchy, built in body suit made me feel comfortable, confident and determined.

Jax called out from the sideline standing next to the rest of our pack mates. "Abe I wish you luck man, you're going to need it!"

It was that moment that Allison stepped forward and approached Abe. "I may want Alexa to win but I also don't want you to lose too badly. Here you need this more than I do." Allison reached up and placed the purple flower on Abe's ear. Abe grabbed the flower, thanked Allison and placed it on the rest of his clothes that were on a pile. "So I don't crush it." He said with a smile.

A few deep breaths and a defensive stance later we were circling one another. Both looking for weaknesses that neither of us had.

"So tell me sis, out of all the training you've been doing, what's your favourite? Boxing, weight lifting, cardio, or sparring in wolf form?" Abe asks me. Before I could answer he lunged at me with a speed I haven't seen anyone other than Zander use before. I successfully blocked a punch and tried to swipe his feet from under him but he anticipated the move and jumped back.

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