Chapter 61 - Rot and Regret

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Zander's POV:

Alexa was angry, but surprisingly she wasn't as angry as I expected her to be. It almost looked like she understood Shadows outburst, even though she didn't agree with it. Rather than want to go home, she still wanted to toy with us.

"Yes well you also did a great job distracting me earlier too. What was it you promised me Zander? Oh that's right.. to taste me." Alexa retorted walking behind the tree.

"You do realise a pair of handcuffs won't stop me from breaking free, I'm just being nice." I say before she giggles from behind the tree again. 

"Well, please play nice for another minute, then if you break free maybe I'll let you have a turn using them. Maybe."

Fuck! Just the thought of tying her up and having my way with her makes me hard. Just as I was about to say deal, I hear a cork pop off a glass bottle and felt something burn against my skin.

"Alexa that better not be what I think it is!" I growl as she comes into view.

"Well I guess that depends on what you think it is." She said with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Wolfsbane. How did you even get a hold of that?" I ask, as she shrugged. Alexa picked up the bag and threw a dildo onto the picnic rug. "Don't know what.. that's for.. but Alessia thought it was useful for some reason." Alexa says while gasping in pain between her words. I knew she was hiding her pain from me before but I didnt realise by how much. She was on her hands and knees. Guess she was ignoring the warning signs for a while for her to be in that much pain. 

"Alexa, just get the key and let me free. I can help you." I say to her.

"Nice try, but how does.. it feel to.. be vulnerable and tricked?" She says through gritted teeth still gasping between words.

"It feels shit okay! This isn't funny anymore, it's getting dark and your scent will be attracting the unmated wolves! The whole pack will be here in ten minutes based on our position and altitude."

"I don't need you or anyone." Alexa says before screaming out in pain. "Aaahh! Why does it have to hurt so bad!" Alexa yells out.

I hear a twig snap in the distance, and my heart rate instantly spikes. "Father, I need your help urgently." Luckily my mind link was still working, it must have been a diluted version of the stuff we normally use. Just enough to stop me using Shadow's increased senses such as his strength. I mind link my father to come help as I can't risk Ed and Jax being unmated around Alexa.

"Alexa I think we have company." I whisper out as she grits her teeth writhing in pain on the picnic blanket. She was now on her back with her knees raised, still only wearing her peach coloured underwear. The smell of rot and decay filled the air around us, as the sound of leaves crunching echoed from in the cave.

This was worse than I could have imagined. A rogue must have found the secret cave and entered as the tide changed. The chances of that happening were slim to none however Alexa's scent may have lured him here.

The rogue stepped out from the cave with his sharp teeth dripping with saliva, and gnashing together. His fur filthy and matted as a low growl left his brown snout. His eyes were pitch black filled with lust, but rogues tend to have their fun then kill the she wolves afterwards. They were all ruthless.

The growl finally got Alexa's attention, but she looked unable to move. Her eyes connected with mine briefly before turning to the rogue. 

Alexa growls out viciously in warning, but I could tell not much of her strength was in that growl. I tugged my wrists hard feeling the metal burn and slice into my weakened flesh. 'Come on it was just a few drops, wear off already!' I thought to myself.

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