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"Is everything ready?" Mina asked her classmates holding a clipboard and a checklist, "Ochako said Midoriya and the distraction team are on their way back here. She's upstairs now changing"

"Special effects team all good?"

"Yes!!!" The SE team declared

"Animal Department, all good?" Mina asked

"Yeah..." Tokoyami's responds

"Alright remember what we talked about... The doves and special effects will only be used for Midoriya and Ochako's dance"

"Right!" they replied

"Eiji! Did we forget something for the common area?" She asked

"All good babe, don't worry we got this!" The red haired man replied

"Good... Hmmm what else... oh right MASTER CHEFS!" Mina yelled to the kitchen.

"WHAT!!!" Bakugo replied

"You guys done cooking?"

"Still a couple of desserts left to prepare but everything is all good" Sato replied

"Shoji and Kyouka are already outside on the lookout for the birthday boy"

Pinky uttered, "Go get changed guys!" She cheered

"Wow you sure are excited" Kirishima approached his girlfriend while his classmates head to their dorm rooms to change into their formal attires.

"Ofcourse! This is my last effort as the class matchmaker!" Mina declared

"How can you be so sure babe?" Eiji asks "What if they don't become a couple after today?" He teased.

"Hey! I'm the expert, you just wait..." Mina replied, "You know I'm good at these things I found you didn't I?" She assured giving Kirishima a kiss on his cheek.

"Come on, let's go get changed Eiji" Mina suggested, "We can't be late you know". She added grabbing Kirishima's hand.


Meanwhile... Midoriya, Iida and Todoroki just arrived at the UA gate

"Oh man why did mom make me wear a suit" Deku complained... "You should wear this sweetie it looks good on you" Inko insisted

"Mom, what for?"

"Oh come on it's your birthday Izuku just wear it for your mother" said Inko.

"Fine... I'll wear it mom"

"Well it does look good on you Midoriya" Iida complemented, "However, I agree it's too formal".

"I know right! But still I can't say no to my mom" He uttered sighing in defeat.


Meanwhile covert ops Jirou and Shoji were waiting for any sign of the birthday boy approaching near their dorm building. The duo are already dressed in a formal attire so they wouldn't have time to waste.

"Jirou do you hear something?" Shoji asked

"Not yet I guess they're still a bit far away from us" She answers, "How about you Shoji do you see Midoriya somewhere?"

"I'll check" He uttered making a bunch of eyes with his tentacle arms... "I don't see them somewhere... wait! I found them they just passed Class 2C's dorm building, call Mina they're closing in!"


One by one Class2A gathered in the common room waiting for the birthday boy. The guys of course were the first ones to arrive at the common area. The girls ofcourse, minus Jirou took a little long to prepare.

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