Ch.4 Maury Povich Show

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I woke up from the nap that I took, honestly, I was a little tired after all that shopping. I looked out the window, and it was close to evening. Likewise, I still had some time before dinner. So I decided to read some of the books that I had.

All the books were leather-bound and were made of parchment. So I had to be careful with all the books. I got the charms book out, and I started to read it. I chose this book because it had one of the easiest spell inside. Likewise, I was reading a few pages, and it kinda gave me a general idea of how a spell worked.

For a spell to work correctly, we need to make sure of a few key things. 1. Incantation and pronunciation. We need to properly say the name of the spell. 2. Is the movement of the wand. 3. Is intention and knowledge. You have to know what the spell does and what do you want the spell to do.

With all that said, I was prepared to do my first spell. I got up from my bed and I walked over to my desk and I opened the drawers and I found some papers. I took one paper out, and I placed it on top of the desk.

I got my wand out. I was about to use the most basic spell, Wingardium Leviosa. The levitation spell.

I remembered what the incantation was, I remembered how to move my wand and what I wanted to do. I cleared my throat and I said, "Wingardium Leviosa." And I moved my wand in proper fashion, and as I did so. The piece of paper started to float in the air. A laugh escaped my mouth.

The spell worked exactly as it was supposed to. The piece of paper floated in the air and If I moved my wand the paper would follow the directions.

I was over the moon when the spell was successful. It felt like a dream to me. After testing with the spell with paper, I tried out multiple different things. Like, coins, books, pillows, even the desk itself. I had a good handle over the spell. I was happy with the small magic that I did, and I was satisfied. But my stomach was not. It rumbled, and I looked out the window, and night had already fallen. I tied up my room and I went downstairs to get some dinner.

I got myself some chicken stew, rice, bread, milk and pudding. I was filled to the brim with all that I ate. I think this was the first time in this life that I had eaten so much. After dinner, I went to my room. I walked over to the snake, it was still sleeping.

But I needed to feed it. But I didn't want to wake it up so. I opened the top door of its cage and I out a small dead mouse, but it was more in a paste form. The shop owner said that I needed to feed him like this because of its size. He had told me to feed it twice each week and to put the medicine in the paste.

He had already made one for me, so I didn't need to... yet. After putting his food in the cage. I said "Good night to the new friend and I went to sleep." I had a long and exhausting day. I needed some rest.


I woke up the next day with the rays of sunlight, I got up and checked up on the snake. It had eaten the food and was again sleeping. At least it wasn't looking in a bad state anymore. It looked and felt more calm. I was happy with it. After checking up on the snake. I did some light exercise like push-ups, sit-ups and some light stretching. After the morning exercise, I went to have some breakfast downstairs.

There weren't that many people awake. But I still saw a few people drinking tea and having biscuits. I got myself some milk and toast. It would still take some time for breakfast to be done. So I took the milk and toast upstairs to eat.

I walked into my room and sat at my desk and started eating. I was thinking about what I wanted to do today. I definitely wanted to go to the bank to check if I was connected to some wizard. Because I was sure that the ring that I had in my trunk was an heir ring. So with any luck I might get some more funds, even some family...

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