Ch.8 Familiar faces and Strangers Pt. 2

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The train filled with excited children, talking and playing with each other, some were high on sugar. The train ran through beautiful grassy meadows and curving along the river. The sky was clear, and the sun was smiling up on us.

I was sitting in a compartment talking with Hermione, we had been talking for a long time now. We were discussing the subjects offered in first year. I was not at all surprised when she mentioned she had mostly read through all the books in our syllabus.

She was expecting a little more reaction from my side, but the lack of one, upset her a little. "I am excited to see the castle, we will be living in a castle made with magic by the founders of the school. Did you know that the great hall ceiling is enchanted to match the scenery of outside?"

I smiled and nodded, "I am curious about what's inside the castle, there are some rumors that there are many sections in the school which are still yet to be discovered by anyone. I wonder what is in those room?"

She sighed and shook her head as if to say typical. I looked at her and said, "So you don't believe that there can be some hidden part of the school?"

She sighed and said, "If there was something like that, then don't you think someone would have found it by now? It's been, I don't know, a thousand years?"

I looked at her and said, "You know, one day, I will prove you wrong."

She smirked and said, "That would take a thousand years." I smiled and shook my head.

While we were having a chat about magic and wizarding world in general. We both felt that the world of magic somehow lacked behind in some ways. I could best describe the wizarding world as a snow globe. Contained within itself and unchanging.

As we were discussing this, a toad was loose on the train and a certain young redheaded girl was in pursuit of the said toad. She looks around for it, but the elusive toad manages to escape her, "Where could it be? It was right here just a moment ago. Maybe I should ask in one of the compartments?"

While we were arguing, we heard a knock and the door opened. I heard a girl's voice, "Pardon me, but have you seen a toad? Neville has lost his toad."

It was a girl, her hair was long and fiery red, it was redder than anything I had seen before it was tied in a ponytail with a white hairband. She wore a lavender color dress. She was about 4'6" and had clear skin with freckles on her face.

I smiled and looked at her and said, "I am sorry, but I don't think a toad would come to our compartment through a close door."

She realized that and her face became flushed with embarrassment, but suddenly I felt a glare on my face. I looked at Hermione from the corner of my eye. Hermione cleared her throat and said, "I apologize for Mr Smarty Pants here. Hi, I am Hermione Granger." She put her hand forward, and she shook her hand.

I smiled and put my hand forward and said, "I am sorry, and I am Jonathan. Pleased to meet you." I pointed at the seat and said, "Please have a seat."

She shook her head and said, "I really should be going."

I nodded and smiled and said, "I understand but I have a solution that doesn't require such grunt work on your part."

She was curious and asked, "What is it?"

I smiled and said, "Well, first, I'd like to know your name."

She looked at me and shook her head and said, "I am Victoria Potter."

I heard her name and froze in my seat and I wasn't the only one Hermione was shocked as well. So this is the other half of the Potter twin that I have read about. In reality, she was just mentioned. It was mostly about Harry.

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