Ted and Jon pt.2

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"Are you aware that Tori and Daphne like you?"

(A bit of flashback so you know)

The girls were sitting in the common room and waiting for Jon and Ted to come so they can do movie night together. It had become a bit of a tradition for the group. Even though they had work to do they had promised to come and take a break. Tracey had gone to get them. The three of them popped up out of the briefcase.

Jon and Ted sat on the couch with Daphne and Tori and Tracey sat on one of the chairs with Astoria.

Jon looked at the group and said, "I hope you guys have picked a movie... cause after this we are going back to work."

Ted sighed and said, "Man, Im tiered."

Jon chuckled and said, "We'll just work for two hours, we'll sleep by 1 or something."

Daphne shot a look to Tori and she looked at Jon and said, "Yeah, about the movie, we couldn't decide what to watch... the movies were in your room and we didn't want to intrude just in case."

Jon sighed and got up from the couch and said, "Fine, I'll pick something... be back in a sec." he walked quickly towards his room.

Tori looked at Ted and said, "Sit over there."

Ted was confused and said, "Why?"

Daphne scrunched her eyebrows and said, "It's a bit cramped that's why."

Ted sighed and moved to another chair and Tori and Daphne sat by themselves looking happy. Jon came as quickly as he could with the movie." He help up a VHS and said, "How about this one."

Daphne looked at the movie and said, "Breakfast club... okay." She patted the seat next to her and Tori. He put the movie in and sat down between them.

Through out the movie, Ted noticed their behaviour, they both snuggled close to Jon and tried to hold his hand any chance they got. He looked at Tracey and she was more interested in seeing them and that when he realised what was going on. "Bloody hell."


Ted stood before me and asked something that I didn't expect from him at all. He just looked at me and I didn't know what to say, "Pshh, ha... Tori and Daphne like me, t-that's a good one Ted." I laughed at his face trying to deny it.

He scrunched his eyes and looked at me and said, "So you do know?" He folded his arms and asked, "So who do you like?"

I looked at him and he looked determined to know and I sighed and said, "Of course I know, Im not blind..." I scratched my head and paced around and he asked, "So who is it, bro?"

I stopped to look at him and sighed, "It's not that easy man..."

He looked confused and said, "Of course it is... Im not asking you some complicated, magical theory bro... it should be easy."

I sat on the table and said, "It might just be more complicated than that, I mean it doesn't matter who I like... because Im not going to act on it."

He laughed and I looked at him and he stopped, "O-oh, you are s-serious about it... why?"

I looked at him and said, "So you can deduce they like me and I know but you don't know why I won't act on it?"

He shrugged his shoulders and I said, "Who are Tori and Daphne?"

Ted looked at me weirdly and said, "They are g-girls?"

I looked at him and said, "No, Ted... they are best friends, man. If I ever date one of them they will stop being friends. Things will become weird among them. And Im pretty sure that whoever I pick, that thing won't last. Then we'll pick sides and I'll get you obviously." "Obviously." Ted agreed.

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