Ch.26 Happy Birthday.

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(Victoria's POV)
Today was my birthday, and I was pretty excited and happy to have all my friends here to celebrate with me. My summer break was pretty dull. I mostly spent my time with my mom, learning potions and etiquette. We all would also go out to parks for picnics and all but it was still too boring and on top of that Jon has gone radio silent on us. No one knew what was happening to him?

I was getting concerned for him and even decided to check up on him. But soon I got a letter from him. He wrote after days, and the explanation that he gave was that he was busy with his "project" and couldn't find time to write.

I was angry with him and made it known in the letter, I also asked him if he was alright and was having proper meals at the orphanage and he did say that he was doing better. I was glad to hear that. I can't wait for him and others to come.

(Jon's POV)

Today was Victoria's and Harry's birthday, I was pretty nervous. I have the general idea that James isn't very fond of me, and I can't quite put my finger on why. But regardless, I was going, it was my friend's birthday and I wanted to celebrate it.

I was in my room and I was preparing myself for the party. I was wearing a green suit with a white shirt and a vermilion tie and had my snake tiepin with a rough slick back hairstyle.

The party was at their home in hampstead. I decided to take the carriage to get there. The party was going to start by 6. I started to get ready on 6 and arrived there by 6:20.

When I arrived there, I saw that the place was very quiet and cozy. It was a nice place. I could hear the chatter and the songs playing in the house.

I got off the carriage and straightened my clothes and walked up to the Home. Furthermore, I always thought that they would have been living in a bigger house if they weren't so dead. It seems like they are about the minimal lifestyle.

I walked up to the door and knocked on it and Lily opened the door and said "Well, hello there Jon, how are you? Come on in."

I smiled and stepped inside, "Hello, Mrs Potter, How are you?"

Lily looked at me and said, "I am fantastic but, you look so nice in that suit. Green suits you."

I chuckled and nodded, "Thank you for the compliments, Mrs Potter, you look very amazing as well."

She chuckled lightly and lead me to the living room. I looked around and there was
Weasley's, Tonks, Sirius, Moody was somehow here as well, there was also Daphne, Tracey, Hermione, and Ted.

Daphne, Tracey, and Ted were in their group and Hermione was talking with Ron and Harry.
I walked up to Ted and said, "So, how is everyone doing?"

Ted was wearing a white shirt with a blue bow tie with suspenders, and he was wearing trousers. He turned towards me and said, "We are enjoying the party, by the way, your Rune now works, congrats man… but where is my credit?"

I chuckled and said, "Yeah, thank you, Ted, for giving me your notes… without them, it would be hard to make a completely new rune from scratch." He looked at me and shook his head and chuckled a little and I said, "But seriously thanks man… if I can only now figure out how to power a bigger device… I will be golden."

Tracey was wearing a white summer dress with floral print, she had tied her hair in a ponytail. She scoffed and said, "Why are you always like this? Just enjoy your success for once."

I hummed and said, "Yeah, you are right I shouldn't do this on her birthday or she will be mad, by the way where is she?"

Daphne was wearing a deep blue color dress, and she had styled her hair into a bun. She looked cute. She said, "I will go check on her." She went upstairs to check on Victoria, and we just talked and caught up on what everyone was doing.

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