Ch.21 Heist

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It was about midnight and the common room was now empty, no one was there. I used the Disillusionment Charm to sneak out of the common room. I was going to the third floor. Voldy told me to go with them, and I was seriously contemplating doing so, cause this Quirrell isn't like the one in the books or the movies.

He is strong, and I fear that he may use more than his hands to kill Harry. So I resolved myself and went to help them. I reached the third floor just in time I saw them in front of the door, they opened it and walked inside. I walked towards them, and they were talking and looking down at the hole, and I said, "Hey guys."

They were startled, and they pointed their wands at me. I raised my hands and said, "Whoa, relax, here to help."

Ron looked at me and said, "We don't need your bloody help."

I looked behind him and Fluffy seems to be awake now. I pointed behind him and said, "We need to go now!" They looked behind and they all screamed. I pushed them inside and went down behind them. We all fell down. I sighed in relief, I was close to being a chew toy.

Luckily, the fall was broken because of the devil's snare we landed on. It surprisingly felt comfortable like a water mattress. Harry said, "What are you doing here? I thought you didn't believe us?"

Ron agreed with Harry and said, "Yeah."

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I never said that, your sister did..." the plant's tendrils then started to wrap around us and Ron started to panic and asked, "What's happening?"

I said, "It's devil's snare Ron. Just try and relax it'll be fine."

He shouted and started to move even more, "How can I relax?!"

Hermione chimed in and said, "He is right relax or otherwise you'll just die faster."

Ron had a look of horror on his face and said, "Oh, thank you very much for that nugget of information now I can relax."

I just relaxed and I was popped right out. Hermione came down with me. I got up and dusted my clothes. I gave Hermione a hand, and she got up as well. Harry asked, "Where are you two?"

Hermione said, "Just relax you two, trust me!"

I took my wand out and said, "I got this." I pointed upwards and said, "Lumos Solem." A streak of white light was produced, and it hit the plant, and it shrieked. It let go of Ron and Harry. They fell down. I put my wand back in and Harry said, "Thank you... both of you."

I walked forward and said, "Let's keep moving."

We walked further and came across a large room filled with keys that had wings, and there was a broom as well. I said, "Come on, Harry, you're up now."

He looked at me and said, "What?"

I said, "We need the key, it's somewhere here... so get on the broom and get it."

Harry looked at me and asked, "What makes you think I can do it?"

I shrugged my shoulders and Ron said, "Come on, Harry, you can do it... believe in yourself."

Harry exhaled and got on the broom. I stepped back and watched with the others. He got on the broom and went straight for it. He was good... if he had been on the Gryffindor team this year we wouldn't have won the cup. He caught the key and threw it to us.

Hermione caught it and opened the door. Harry got in the nick of time, and we closed the door before those keys could enter. After passing this, we headed for the next trail, it was the chess game.

Harry, Hermione and Ron Played. I still have no idea why Ron had to be on the horse, but ok. Ron used his skills and got us past the challenge set by McGonagall. Ron sacrificed himself in the process, he wasn't killed or anything, he was just unconscious.

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