Ch.30 A bet

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The next morning was even more eventful because Harry and Ron stole the car and were seen driving it by muggles. The ministry had to work hard to keep it all under wraps and make it seem like it never happened. I wonder if the other times people claim to see spaceships were just wizards or are they really out there?

Well conspiracy aside Snape and McGonagall were very angry at them and at the very beginning of the year, both of them lost 50 points each and also got detention. Hermione was very pissed at them for this, she was hoping to win the cup this year…

Some of the more idiotic people, mostly Gryffindor students had a very twisted sense of pride as to what both of them had done. I couldn’t understand why they praised the lot for endangering their lives and also losing the precious house points.

It was a pretty normal day for me. Waking up at 6 before most of the people and, going out for a run doing push-ups, crunches and squats. All the basic exercise, though I have increased the amount of reps and distance in my program from the year before. 

After my exercise was done, I got back to my room and took a bath and got ready. It was still too early, so I waited for my friends in the common room... no one in my group wakes up early. I have tried to recruit Ted, but he had outright rejected me. The girls would make annoying faces whenever I would bring this up. So I kind of gave up. I do wish I had an exercise buddy, it would help my training.

After like an hour they found me at my usual place in the morning. On the Sofa but this time I had my Game Boy with Tetris. So I was fine waiting for them. I didn’t get bored at all.

I saw them walking up to me and got up and greeted them all "Good Morning everyone." They greeted me back, and we proceeded to the Great Hall for breakfast.

In the Great Hall, we all sat down and were talking and having breakfast. Today was a Wednesday, so it was Herbology with Gryffindor. Most of the Slytherin weren’t stoked about having the first class of the school year to be with them and I  think the Gryffindor shared the same sentiment.

After having our breakfast we went to the greenhouse. I was standing there talking to Ted. He told me he was having troubles with his father because of me.

I sighed and patted his shoulder and said, "I am sorry to hear that Ted." Being a death eater's son is not easy when you have liberal values.

Prof. Sprout came in and gave formal introductions "Welcome to Greenhouse three, second years. Now gather around everyone. Today we are going to hear how to re-pot a Mandrake."

She then firmly clasped her hands and asked, "Now, who can tell me about the property of Mandrake root?"

Hermione's hand shot up with the speed of light and Prof. Sprout looked at everyone and said, "Anyone... Anyone at all... Yes, Miss Granger." In actuality, many of us knew the properties but didn't bother, why? Well because Hermione is going to answer it anyway so let's just hang back and relax.

She puts her hand down and said "Mandrake or Mandragora is used to return those who have been petrified to their original state. It's also quite dangerous. Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it." Not going to lie that’s like a ton of foreshadowing, like not subtle at all.

Sprout nodded and said "Excellent 10 points to Gryffindor"

She then said "Now as our Mandrakes are still only seedlings their cry is still not fatal but could knock you out for several hours… This is why I've provided you with Earmuffs for protection."

Sprout then put on her earmuffs, and we put on ours as well. She slapped the earmuffs confirming the fit, "Now put on these earmuffs for your safety, now we are going to uproot the mandrake...." She pulled a naked looking mole baby looking plant who was shrieking ".....and place them in a new pot in front of you and pour sprinkle soil in the pot." 

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