Ladies agreement

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We all have heard of the phrase finding needle in a haystack. Well this is more like finding a needle in a sea of needles. Rustling through the "Room of hidden things" it should be more like room filled with shit no one wants. Trying to find the diadem of Rowena Raven claw was proving to be more of a challenge than I thought. I have been at it for like a week now and I have found nothing so far. But I did come across some other stuff. The vanishing cabinet, I was contemplating whether to keep it or to let it stay there in its place.

Along with that giant closet, there were several other things most of which were broken, "This place is a dump... but a hoarder's paradise I guess." I kept looking but this place was huge, I'm not sure if it has an end or not. My wrist watch rang reminding me of the time. It was 7 o'clock. I sighed and dusted my clothes "Time to get out of here, I guess... maybe next time."

I walked through the maze of abandoned things and found my way out. As I walked out of there I felt as though someone was watching me. It was odd, I looked around and nothing... Maybe I was thinking it. I shook those thoughts aside and made my way to the dining hall. Everyone must be there.


As I walked in the great hall, it was filled with cheer and joy, the vacation did a good job uplifting the morals of the students and the teachers alike. I made my way towards the Slytherin table, to my friends. All of them were stuffing their faces with food. Ted saw me and said, "Ah, finally here... we were waiting but then decided not to."

I smiled and patted his back while sitting down, "Awe, such good friends I have." I took some chicken pasta in my plate and started to eat and Ted asked, "So how is the thing going?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Not that great... I mean it's called the room of hidden things for a reason."

He hummed and said, "You tried the Accio spell?"

I looked at him and mockingly said, "No, I didn't try the thing that would have made it easy for me to get it... bastard must have put some charms on it... but I'm sure I'll find it."

Daphne looked concerned and asked, "Are you fine?" I looked at her and I scoffed, "Of course I'm fine... why wouldn't I be?"

Tori looked at Daphne and Daphne said, "I mean you do have like a lot on your plate right now..."

I chuckled and said, "Oh please I can eat this much?"

Tori and Daphne looked at me and Tori said, "You know that's not what she meant... I mean seriously, there is a lot of things you are juggling right now... There is that thing with Daphne's dad, then you are always gone somewhere finding something... that you refuse to tell us what it is and lastly that other spell thing you are working on... I mean, for anyone it's too much."

I looked at her and said, "First of all there is no "thing" between me and Florian" Daphne rolled her eyes "Secondly what are you guys my mom... I'm fine" That part was weird.

Ted chuckled, "Would be weird if you thought them as your mom... but it does make me wonder." Ted suddenly cried in pain and Tracey glared at both of us and said, "We are just a little bit worried for you." She sighed and said, "You haven't been in library with us ever since you got here... I understand that you want to complete your work... but you do need to take care of yourself."

I looked at the two of them and they really did look worried and Ted said, "Okay, I'll put your minds at ease... I'll be with him... taking care of him."

They looked a bit relieved and I turned to Ted and asked, "You sure? Like I know you have your own things that you need to do..."

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Yeah, but I can do it with you when you are working... and I can help you with your things and besides what are friends for."

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