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Hi. So, I wrote this, like, a year ago. I never posted it because I thought the ending was horrible. Well, I just skimmed through it and I realized it wasn't half bad. So here I am now, posting it. In this story werewolves and humans are cool with each other, appearently. Here's a late Valentine's Day story that'll hopefully warm your heart up. :)


Four Years Ago

“Dude, this is stupid.”

Zeek’s friend, Tyler, nudges him. “Oh come on, dude. Maybe you’ll find her.”

“At a spin the bottle party?” Zeek asks wryly. “This game is for 12 year olds.”

“You’re fourteen, dude. Not much of a difference.”

Zeek playfully shoves his friend as they walk to Mara’s house, which is just up the street. “You’re fourteen too,” Zeek points out.

Tyler shrugs. “That’s why I want to go. We’re only fourteen once.”

“…Dude, you sound like my dad.”

Laughing, they walk up the pathway to Mara’s house. They ring the doorbell, and seconds later Mara pops up. Her hair is in her normal two braids that lay on her shoulders. The only difference is that she’s in a sparkly top than when they saw her at school. “Come on, everybody’s here. You guys are late.”

“Fashionably late,” Tyler corrects, tugging at his blue jacket.

Zeek rolls his eyes and passes his friend, going to sit down on the green sofa. ‘Everybody’ is only a handful of people. A glass bottle, probably one of Mara’s dad’s empty beer bottles, sits in the middle of a couple of fourteen year olds that Zeek goes to school with. A couple of stragglers are on the couch near Zeek, but other than that, everybody’s ready for the game. On the side, there’s a table full of different snacks in case they get hungry. Not much to choose from, but it’ll work. 

“We got a human in the house!” Harvey, the loudmouth barks out in an annoying voice. Everybody looks over at the girl he’s pointing at. The girl looks down at her lap, a blush forming at her cheeks. Her dark chocolate hair is down and around her shoulders. Zeek instantly notices her full rosy lips. Good for the game. She’s in a pair of skinny jeans and a blue v-neck - nothing too special.

Mara comes over and scowls at the boy. She sits down next to the girl. “Leave her alone, Harvey. She’s my friend.” She reaches behind her and grabs a handful of popcorn.

“It’s gonna be awkward though,” He continues, ignoring her, “She’s in a house full of werewolves. Be scared, we bite.” Harvey flashes her a pearly white smile.

Mara shakes her head. “Get out, Harvey, if you’re gonna be like that.”

Harvey shrugs, sitting down into the circle. “Sorry.”

Even though it doesn’t sound very sincere, Mara lets it go and murmurs things to her nameless friend. “Come on, Zeek, join in!” Tyler grabs his ankle and gives it a tug.

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