The Sliggy Piggy Diner

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"And one last question for you: why do you want to work here?"

She tapped her pen impatiently on her clipboard, looking up with dull eyes. She was chewing on a piece of gum quite nosily. I smoothed down my pencil skirt and looked her in the eyes – I had practiced this question a million times before. "I want to work here not only to help pay the rent with my father, but to support this restaurant and this would be a great opportunity to gain experience in this field."

She made a throaty noise, scribbling something down on the clipboard. When she was finished, she slid the pen over her ear and adjusted her glasses."Any questions for me?"

I had tons – but I didn't want to ask them because she didn't seem in the mood to answer them. "Nope, none at all."

She rose from the booth, fixed her thick blonde hair, and stared at me for a second."I'll be right back."

I watched her as she slithered towards the back of the diner and disappeared behind the door. I collapsed into the plastic-like material of the seat. She wasn't the best boss, from what I've heard...and seen. She was never around, so someone else was always left in charge. I wasn't exactly sure why they were hiring – but I didn't necessarily care. I needed a  job, and waitressing was the best way to get it.

I didn't notice when she came back around. She threw something at me – which made me jump – and smacked her gum. "Come back at eight AM tomorrow for opening. Memorize the menu and you'll be fine."

Without another word, she went back behind the counter. I looked down to the clothing she threw at me. It was the uniform – a pink collar shirt and baseball cap. The restaurant's name, Sliggy Piggy Dinner, was scribbled across the top in the signature cursive.

I smiled, more to myself. This was my first job and I was going to put my all into it – and still have time for school. I slid out of the booth, walking towards the front to go to my car. I was so into my own thoughts that I didn't see the person walking towards me with an empty serving plate. I crashed right into the plate and it flew onto the ground.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed as I flew just as fast to grab it. I quickly handed it back to the owner – er, rather the server.My lips clamped shut as I saw who it was. He blinked, and slowly took it from me.

"Thanks,"He said quietly, like he always talked.

I shook my head, pointing at the door. "Yeah. Sorry. I, uh, I gotta go."

He nodded, looking towards the counter. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow.At eight, right?"

I swallowed. "Yeah, right."

Henodded again, pushing some of the brown hair out of his eyes. " ."

He  walked past me and went behind the door. My heart somewhat dropped when I realized I was going to be working with Jonathan. He wasn't exactly great for my reputation. He was more of the quiet kid nobody enjoyed talking to. I wasn't sure why, but I wasn't going to question it. If I wanted to not seem like a loser, I couldn't really communicate with him. This was going to go great tomorrow.



I giggled, tossing my ponytail over my shoulder. "Hey, Nate. I didn't know you came to eat here?"

He shrugged, leaning an arm against the booth. "This wasn't my first option, until now." He winked at me as his friend pretended to gag himself with his fork.

I shook my head, looking down at my notepad. "What can I get you two?"

"How about just a couple of burgers?"

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