She's As Naive As She Seems

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Colt's POV

( I love them like I love ice cream, and that says a lot)

I lean against the cool brick wall, putting my foot against it. My ride should've been here ten minutes ago. I’m ready to lose my temper and just walk home. My roomie wanted to go to some shitty party, told me to meet him down near the alleys. I’m here; on one of the bad streets down near my college.

Fuck it. I’m going back to my dorm.

I shove my phone in my pocket, flipping my red hoodie over my head, and casually start walking down the alleyway. This wasn’t worth shit. I’d rather be in my dorm. Watching TV. I don’t even like parties. They’re too loud and too many drunks running around.

As I’m about to turn the corner, someone goes flying by, continuing going straight. This person is followed by three other meatier men. I step out of my corner, glancing down the alleyway. I see a girl with long brown hair running away from the guys.

I groan out loud. Shit.

I take off after them, not realizing what I’m doing until I’m doing it. I catch up easily next to the last guy. I hook him in the jaw. It makes him stop running, along with the other guys. I mentally tell the girl to keep running, but I don’t have time to see if she did or not.

The three gang up on me. “Oy, get him!”

“Get the hell away!”

“I just - ”

He doesn’t finish. He’s too busy groaning from my clean punch to his gut. He advances towards me, but I throw another punch to his face, effectively knocking him out. In the corner of my eye one decides to run for it. The other one stays to fight. I hook some more punches until he staggers away, taking off like the other guy.

I’m about to run after him, but I realize the girl is still here, watching me. I can see her face; she’s underneath the light. My heart rate increases as I realize who it is. Cara. The girl from my photography class. The same girl, the only girl, who manages to interest me. Her long hair is at her sides, mouth a bit open, brown eyes wide. She looks…flirty. Looking ready for a party. Probably the same party I was suppose to go to.

“Go home,” I yell out to her. She’s far, but not too far. Far enough so she can’t see my face. It’s too dark. 


Dammit, Cara. “Now.”

“I can’t!” She snaps, echoing off the walls. “I’m…uh…lost.”

Holy motherfucker. She is so stupid, so naïve. “Follow me.”

Without another word, I whirl around, walking quickly. She takes a second, but then starts to hurriedly follow after me. I take twists and turns along the alleyways; I know them like the back of my hand. I use to hang around here when the rumors were at their fullest. They were the only place that was quiet.

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