Dirty Little Secret

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So, I love the All American Rejects, and I should've wrote this a lot sooner than now. This is based on the song, of course, and if you don't know what song it is I'm going to cry. It's over there if you've never heard it --------------------->



Dirty Little Secret

Zack slams his car door loudly. He mutters incoherent things under his breath as he stomps up the four stairs to his porch. He whips out his key to the house; his parents are never home. They’re always in a different country every other week. Which one was it this time, Italy? He can never keep up with it.

He doesn’t like them spending money on traveling. He thinks they should save it for his college fund. But he doesn’t ever say anything. Zack tosses his backpack onto the kitchen counter, jogging up the stairs to his room. He’s an only child, and being an only child can get lonesome once in a while.

The 18 year old takes a look in the mirror real quick. His brown fuzzy hair is sticking up, and he’s in his red and white football uniform. Practice was hell today. He wasn’t in his game, and not to mention his ex girlfriend Lauren was on the sidelines every time he went for water, begging him to get back with her. They’ve been broken up for three years now, he knows better than to go back with the head cheerleader.

He’s completely and utterly stressed. AP finals are next week, and let’s see, how many does he have again? One, two, three - five. Five classes. His last class is Advanced Woodshop, but the teacher already let them complete the assignment, which was to make a doghouse made entirely of wood and nails. When his parents are home, they’re pressuring him into getting a full scholarship based entirely on football.

In the least to say, Zack hates football. Period. He only joined because his parents forced him into it. He’d much rather be in the chemistry lab, bubbling over new formulas. He can’t complain, though. He has the perfect features to become a professional football player - and let’s face it, even his name sounds like a football player’s - Zack Gordons.

His ex-girlfriend refuses to leave him alone nowadays. She’s as fake as can be. She only hangs out with football players and cheerleaders. If you aren’t in one of the two, she won’t even make eye contact with you. Well, he’s over-exaggerating a little bit, but if it were possible, it would be true.

Zack sighs, running a hand through his hair. He needs to let all the stress out somehow. A smirk tugs at his lips. He has the perfect way, too. He looks through his window, almost grinning. There she is, in all her glory, in the house next door.

Riley Forks. Her brown, messily-layered hair is piled into the worst bun imaginable. There’s tan-rimmed glasses placed on her nose. He can only see one side of her body, though, because she’s sitting at her computer desk, typing away furiously, probably on an essay for finals. She’s wearing a purple baggy shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. Her brown eyes are scrunched up, trying to concentrate on the computer.

He’s known Riley ever since he could remember. They’re not necessarily friends. He doesn’t hang out with her at school, hell, he practically never even sees her out of her room. They’ve lived next to each other since the 2nd grade. Yes, they use to play together when they were little, but once they hit the 6th grade, they flew their separate ways.

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