The Bad Boy Isn't As Bad As He Seems

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I had tons of fun writing this. Colt's my new favorite guy (besides Tobias and Uriah, of course). Maybe I'll make another part to this. Hmm?

The Bad Boy Isn't As Bad As He Seems

“Are you sure?”

“I’m positive you gave me the wrong directions.”


I flatly stare at the brick wall in front of me. “Because I’m in an alleyway.”

My friend, Willa, sighs, making the phone go all static on me. “I told you to take a right.”

Left. You said left.”

“Did not.”

“Did too.”

“Did not.”

“Did too.”

“Did not.”

“Look!” I snap. “We’re not getting anywhere!”

“Well yeah, you landed you’re self in a fucking alleyway.”

I sigh through my nose, closing my eyes for a brief minute. “I asked you for directions, you guaranteed me to go through here.”

“…I said take a right.”

“I’ll find it on my own, bye!” I yell over the phone, shoving it back into my jeans pocket. It’s going to get dark out soon, and I’ll be stranded here by myself with nothing. I was suppose to meet Willa at a party, even though I didn’t want to go in the first place, and she told me ‘a faster route’.

Well, she was wrong, and now I’m lost.

I decide to retrace my steps, trying to find my way out. It’s not juts one alleyway; there’s multiple. They’re all connected and if I go out onto the wrong street, I’m screwed. The area my college is in is pretty nice, which is where I live. The places around it…not so much. I don’t want to be kidnapped, or worse, anytime soon.

I take another right, trying to find any source of light, but the sun is going down fast. My heart starts pounding. Why did I listen to her? I should’ve just stayed in my dorm and studied, like a good girl would.

After another five minutes pass, I’m alone, and it’s dark. Really dark. In an alleyway. I press my hand to one of the brick walls, closing my eyes and trying to calm my breathing. It’s alright…as long as I’m alone, nothing can hurt me.

Something behind me moves.

My eyes open wide, looking behind me. There’s three figures, but I can’t see them. It’s too dark. I just see big meaty shadows.  “Hey, look.”

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