Surprised Kissed

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“You good for nothing, son of a bitch!”

Shay’s straight golden hair whips around dangerously, her eyes narrowed into slits. She marches straight up to her co-worker and pushes him rather rudely. He just looks down at her with amusement as he crosses his arms. “What did I do now?”

“No, it’s what you didn’t do!” She snaps hotly. “You forgot to remind me that we had to be here at 5!”

Keegan raises his eyebrow. “How is this my problem, Shay?”

She growls lowly. “I specifically told you to remind me. I woke up late, freaked out, had a panic attack, then tried to get here as fast as I could. Neel is going to kill me.” Shay whirls back around, starting to pace around the bustling set.

Keegan just rolls his eyes. He knows from experience that it doesn’t matter if your late to one of Neel’s sets. Neel is practically late everyday herself. “Calm down, she’s not even here yet.” He takes a sip of his Starbuck’s coffee with whipped cream and salted caramel.

Shay murderously eyes his coffee. “How do you drink that?”

“With my mouth.” He smirks. “Wanna try it out?”

Her eyes snap away, continuing her pacing. “You’re such a douchebag.”

He sighs softly, sitting down in one of the chairs next to him. Throughout these three months they’ve been filming together, he’s been trying to get along with Shay. This is her first big movie role. This is his sixth. He’s the big heartthrob of Hollywood, the new in thing. With his oakwood eyes and dirty brown hair, it’s not hard to see why. Shay obviously sees him as one of those assholes who only care about themselves. Long story short, she doesn’t like him.

Neel, the director of the romance-comedy, comes rushing through the doors to the set. “I’m here, people! Let’s get this show on the road, shall we?” Her hair is up in a extremely messy bun with purple glasses to match. A hot chocolate from Dunkin Donuts is in her hands.

Shay looks terrified. “Um, Neel - ”

“Hold on, Shay, I have to talk to Keegan for one quick second.” She clears her throat and adds in, “Privately.” With that, she hooks her arm around his, and guides him to an empty room.

Keegan sighs and leans against the wall. “Yes, your majesty?”

“Well, you do know that this is a romance, correct?”

“Yeah, Neel, I know what I signed up for.”

Relief covers her face. “Good, good! Well then, this should be easier than I thought. I need you to surprise kiss Shay.”

If he took a sip of his salted caramel, whipped cream, Starbucks coffee, he would be choking on it. “W-what? Why the hell - ”

“Just listen,” She cuts him off. “I need to show true surprise in this next scene we’ll be shooting. And you know that almost every romance needs a kiss, correct? Well, this kiss is going to be shocking. You’ll say your lines, she’ll say hers, blah blah blah. Then, you kiss! Bam! Just like that. She’ll never see it coming. Now, after you kiss her, she’s suppose to pull away. She hates you, so that’ll be easy. She curses you out, end of scene. Perfect-o.”

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