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"Boss, why is she still living in this mansion with us? It's been two weeks and every time I go for a snack or drink in the kitchen I see her or at noon she sits by the balcony..." Gedeon growled in irritation  Kervyn knocked him down with a blow to his rib side. 

"Do not speak like that... She is going to stay with us for a very long time..." Kervyn said, picking up a bottle of water to drink.

"What?" Gedeon, Dima, and Demyan screamed in unison. 

"Yes!, and she will be engaged by next week... we will get married as soon as delay." Kervyn said with no emotions. He turned to look at his men, who were so perplexed by the news. 

"Boss, you do know she was the same girl that stole the flash drive and sold it to one of the spies in Red goons?" Dima asked with an open mouth. 

"That doesn't matter," Kervyn said with a smirk.

"Boss you cannot trust that bitch." Kervyn dragged Gedeon by the collar of his shirt. As he growled at his face.

"You will not call her that again... She will be my wife and you all will respect her the same way you do to me... And we will be having a meeting now." Kervyn dropped Gedeon and walked out of the gym room.


"Pretend wife? That's insane, she will let the secret out, and our enemies will know about our plan." Gedeon growled.

"She will not and by the way, we will part ways on the fiftieth day. So are we settled?" Kervyn explained to his men.

"Do you trust her, boss? You know how Kei was so dear to you and she left you. What if Mara-quin betrays you? " Demyan said, smoking by the window.

"Then she will pay for the betrayal... She has terms and conditions... as my wife. Dima, you will be her guard in the meantime... I just need to get things ready for the preparation of the engagement." Kervyn said, stacking his files on her table.

"Have you chosen a date for the wedding?" Dima asked, sitting by the door. 

"Hmm, not really, I came up with the tenth of next month but I am not sure." Kervyn sat down on his chair, thinking.

"Well, why don't you pick Kei's birthday? You could make her feel jealous and want you back if she saw that you weren't concerned about her birthday. And you will make the announcement known to the whole of Newyork city. What do you think, Boss?' Demyan contributed his idea.

"Hmm, Genius! Make it known to the interviewers, that tomorrow we will be going live on air... In the interview, I will propose to Mara and she will accept and definitely, Kei would be watching the news." Kervyn laughed.

"I will do that immediately..." Dima and Demyan walked out of the room, leaving Gedeon and Kervyn behind to discuss.


"Gedeon, I know you are not happy about the plan but this is the only way to know if Kei works with the Red goons and I take back my business from them.."Kervyn walked to the window, looking at the towers miles away.

"I am not only unhappy, but I am also irritated about it, why does it have to be her? You could have chosen another girl, not the stri..., Mara. You know what Kei had done to you last year... she cheated on you with your blood brother ad tell me, don't you think Mara might do the same thing?" 

"Gedeon, No feelings attached in this contract and she knows that... You will not allow her to betray me, will you? I know you will not take a second to slit her throat." Kervyn smirked.

"I know, but you have to be careful bro." Kervyn patted Gedeon's shoulders.


"Mara-quin, Dima will be your assistant, Demyan will drive you wherever you go, except if I do not approve of it, till I get you your car. And Gedeon will check up on you once in a while, when I am out of the country or not available." Kervyn said as Xiomara walked into the room.

"Oh ok! Thank you..."She said smiling weirdly.

"I will like to know more about you... we will be having an interview with the news line tomorrow and I might be asked things about you, that I do not know yet. When I get back from my meeting, we will discuss it... Is that fine, Mara-quin?" He asked dragging his tie and files from the table.

"Wait...! It is Xiomara Cortez, not Mara-quin... that's my stage name." She smiled. 

"Xiomara! Beautiful!... See you at 9:30." He waved and walked out of the house. Xiomara was left alone in the mansion for six hours till Kervyn came back too tired to discuss anything.


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