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"Who is it?" Kervyn face was buried in his paperwork—the calculations and signing. 
~ "Maltida, sir!" His assistant replied from behind the door. 

"You may come in," Kervyn ordered. "What is it?" 
~ "Mr. Maekawa requested to see you." She said holding a pile of books in her hands.

"Let him in.... and why haven't you finished with the signing? Those books are to be released by Thursday, so be quick." She jumped at his harsh tone, scurrying out his door. Minato stepped into the big office, broad shoulders, covered in a white button-up shirt, with three buttons open, exposing his tattoed neck and sleeves. He is muscular and somehow tall.  His hair was gelled to the top and styled like the Japanese models. Anyone who could catch sight of this man would know that he was an oppression to the city. He is the right-hand man to the Mafia boss in the Red Goon gang, the most feared and ruthless man after the highest rank - his boss. 
           Whereas Kervyn was sitting by the window, with a lit cigarette in his hand, reading the city through the transparent glass, picturing the whole city of noise, bustling people, and rampaging cars moving through the roads. Minato stepped into the room and laughed at the sight of Kervyn lost in thoughts.

"Why have you come to see me?" Kervyn asked harshly.
~ "To see your pitiful face." Minato laughed. Kervyn rolled his eyes at the young man's sarcasm.
" Have you come to apologize on behalf of your boss or you have planned to steal from me... again!" Kervyn lashed out with a loud bang, his fist smashed into the smooth surface of the wooden desk.

"Calm down big guy, I have only come in peace and with a mind of business... Mr. Sung-Hoon wishes to have a business deal with you,... just for the meantime." He laughed.
~ " And what does this business deal entail? I believe you and your boss owe me and I do not plan on having a business retreat with you." Kervyn glared pointing at Minato with his long fingers.

"Oh well, it's the words of my Boss, not mine, because honestly, I wouldn't like to have a deal with you either, but what can I say... Sung-Hoon has a new refinery system in Tokyo, and The drugs are to be sold soon, but he wants you to be a part of the share..." Minato smiled throwing an envelope to Kervyn. "So do we have a deal?"

"Why should I do business with you? Have you forgotten your place? " Kervyn rumbled. Minato knocked the table with his fist and pulled closer to Kervyn.
~ "As I said, I will never think of making you a business partner but these are the words of my boss and you can as well put all the hatred you have of me behind you or worry about your new family... That pretty wife of yours, hmm, you do know her life is at stake when you choose not to do the right thing... " Kervyn stared at Minato with so much anger, he knew bringing Xiomara into his world will only make her insecure, her safety is at stake, especially when his sworn enemies knew about her. 

"I will only agree to this deal if you put my wife's name out of your mouth. You do not touch her, you do not see her or even speak of her, do you hear me?" Kervyn growled, still gripping Minato by the collar in anger. Minato laughed mockingly.
~ "I have no business with your new wife, I haven't even met her yet nor have I seen a picture of her but guess what people say she's hot and sexy - I wonder if her Butt is as soft and big as they say it is. She must be very Juicy and satisfying in bed... Now I see why you do not speak of her like that in the public... " Minato continued with his irritating attitude. Before he could say anything about Xiomara, Kervyn stood up and raged in anger.

"Leave my office!" Kervyn banged the table for the second time in this conversation.
Minato laughed at his reaction. "Oh yeah, I wonder how  Kei felt when she heard about the news of your coming wedding... That poor thing, she would have expected much from you but, you would be getting married to another babe, not Her... Poor Kei. I can't wait to feed on your wife, another girl of yours I would like to taste..." Minato Licked his lips with a burst of mocking laughter before he stood up to leave.

"I will not repeat myself, do not speak of my wife in such..." 
~ "My greetings to her, I will soon fuck her and leave you hopeless for the rest of your li..."  Another bang on the table but this time, the pencil cases and books on it fell at the thundering sound of the slam. Kervyn was truly angry and irritated by Minato's words. He had done this to get to his nerve and he wouldn't want that to get to him but it did anyway. Bringing Xiomara to this conversation was a rope tied between them. Minato had crossed his boundaries and Kervyn wasn't taking it likely. He had taken everything from him, His sister, and Also Kei and now he dreams of having Xiomara to himself. 

"Get the fuck out, Now!" Kervyn roared from the end of the room. Minato chuckled and slam the door hard before walking out of the room. 


"Fuck!" Kervyn cursed, breaking down the photo frames on the wall and tearing down the paper files he had just worked on. The anger and heat were too much and he wasn't getting a hold of himself. Ever since the death of his sister on the railway, he had cursed to protect each of his loved ones. And thereafter, he finds a video of Kei on the same bed as his enemy, Minato. She had explained to him that he was blackmailing her. A month after, He thinks of an engagement but things don't work as planned. He isn't ready to lose any of his men or even Xiomara, even if she was to play a wife in his story. She is innocent and he wants her to live a quiet life after the 50 days he had promised.

"I need a drink!" He muttered. 



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