Positional Sacrifice

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I watched as the boar foraged in the bush thicket noisily, grunting and chomping on the berries and leaves it had found. It hadn't noticed me, even though I was bare yards away, but then I had been standing absolutely still even before it had blundered its way towards me, and I was on my second day of the scent suppressor, so I'd have been very surprised if it had detected me.

As the boar followed its snout past me into another richly laden berry bush, I listened to the forest around me, allowing my senses to look for any movement or sign of life. When I was sure there was nothing else stirring, I took a vertical leap up into the trees, and stopped, listening for any sound of reaction or pursuit. There was nothing, so I leaped further upwards, pulling myself from branch to branch, until I was well hidden in the leafiest cover I could find, and then I leaned back, easing myself down so I was perched on the branch. As I waited, I unwrapped the berries I'd gathered earlier and began to eat them, still keeping one eye and ear open. I couldn't afford to get caught, after all.

Especially not here in Lichor.

Things were not good between our Clans, thanks to the whole debacle of abductions, which, despite their denials, most believed were fully sanctioned by their leadership. It hadn't improved the situation when they'd tried to Claim our Cai and persuade her to 'come visit', a rather thinly veiled attempt to get her on their lands. Naturally our Clan folk were as inclined to allow that as they would allow a youngling into a pit of snakes. Luckily, our Cai had been quite clear on how she felt - but her very public renunciation of her Clan of birth had been the final straw. 

Relations between our Clan and Lichor were now extremely frosty.

And would deteriorate completely if they found me here, well past their border markers and a stone's throw from one of their settlements. 

Not to mention my reason for being here.

Speaking of which...

I turned my head sharply as I heard the soft bird call. I sent my answer, waited, then sent another, drawing my crossbow into position just in case.

With a gentle rustle, the leaves of the tree opposite me parted slightly to reveal a familiar face.

I watched him navigate the branch, carefully staying within the leaf cover, and only lowered my crossbow and sheathed it when I was sure he hadn't been followed. 

You're late, I signed.

And I missed you too, Jax signed back, grinning. 

Any trouble getting out?

You have such little faith in my abilities.

I gave him a look.

You're awfully blasé for someone living under the nose of the enemy.

They haven't found me yet. He winked at me. 

It had better stay that way. I gave him another look. He rolled his eyes. 

Relax. So far, so good.

So?  I settled back against the tree, watching as he swung one leg then the other over the branch to sit facing me.

I did a recon of Ochor and Lichoria. Minimal contact, forest and crowd cover. Their security is tight. Nothing you and I can't handle, but tough for the average Clan. They're not allowing free movement. Apparently it's been that way for some time.

I nodded.

Their Border Patrol is tight too. Not Krevin, but getting there.

And about to get tighter. Jax adjusted himself, wincing slightly. Especially at the border on our side. Orders straight from the top.

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