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**This chapter connects to Hide & Seek, the first book in the Clanlands world.**


All four of us looked at Selin, who had been the one to send the signal for us to regroup at the designated meeting place.

"She's here."

A low growl met her words and when I glanced at Damian, I could see the change in his entire demeanour. His body had tensed, his hands were clenched into fists so hard that they were white, his face tight with barely contained emotion and his silver-grey eyes had gone black. 

Anders and Nix, Damian's other two Guard, were watching him silently, warily, as if braced for an eruption. Selin glanced at me, shaking her head slowly.

"Are you sure?" Anders asked Selin, not taking his eyes off Damian.

"Yes. Her scent was strong." Selin answered briefly.

"Let's find her." I said, taking charge once more, as I had done so often over the past few weeks as we'd searched. "We split Selin's section into quadrants. I'll be with Damian. The rest of you take a section each."

"I don't need a babysitter." Damian said, voice hard.

"Then it's good I'm not one." I answered, calmly. "Let's go."

I met his stormy gaze steadily. A nerve worked in his jaw for a moment and then he turned abruptly and stalked off, leading the way out of the grove in the direction of the forest area Selin had been patrolling. Glancing at the others briefly, I followed him, staying close enough so I could make sure he didn't do anything daft, but keeping enough distance not to crowd him.

As we moved quietly, carefully, through the forest, keeping a look out for the slightest sign, I couldn't fault him for what he was feeling.

Not long after we'd arrived in Pendragon that day, they'd figured out who his mate was. One of the Healers of Pendragon, well respected and liked, someone who had actually treated Damian for injuries not long ago, someone he knew. She'd been right there, hiding in plain sight.  

There was absolutely no doubt that she had been deliberately hiding - or that she'd known whom she was hiding from. She'd gone to extraordinary lengths to remain undetected for a very long time, using her skills as a herbalist and Healer, and had made careful plans to ensure she was never found.

By running.

Running from her Clan and from her mate. 

Once it had become obvious that she had left the Clan, going missing shortly before our arrival, Clan Leader Craege hadn't wasted time. He'd sent a small, select team out to find her and bring her back. 

Which is what we were doing now.

I knew why he'd wanted me here. Ostensibly, it had to do with my skills as a tracker, which I was certainly putting to good use. 

But there were other reasons. 

For one, I knew Clan Leader needed a watchful eye on Damian - whose anger and hurt were just under the surface and barely contained - so that he didn't erupt or do something daft. 

And then there were the Rogues.

"You think that she's the one they've been looking for." I stated what I knew we'd both been thinking since we'd heard the news about Damian's mate being in Pendragon. Clan Leader turned from the window in Pendragon's Healer's Quarters and looked at me. 

"It's too much of a coincidence. Damian's mate in Pendragon and the Rogues focused here? All those strange abductions?" Clan Leader shook his head, frowning.

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