Sharp Move

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"A security briefing?" I raised an eyebrow at Iola. "Now?"

She glanced over at me briefly, before handing some papers to the scribe, who bowed and left, closing the door behind her. 

"That's what they said."

"We had a briefing when we arrived. A very thorough one, I might add." I frowned.

"I know, but we were told this is important and the Vargans specifically asked us to ensure our logistics coordinators attended. For our Clan, that means you." She shrugged.

"Logistics. Not the Guard." I said, thoughtfully.

"Logistics." She confirmed. "Come on, time to go." 

I followed her out of her chambers in silence, down the corridor and the stairs, towards the main holding building, wondering what this could possibly be about. 

Oh well. I'd know soon enough.

Besides. I didn't need anything more to think about.

I had been meeting him twice a day for the past week, early morning and evening, at his insistence and, while he was keeping the tone of our interactions light, focused on getting to know each other better, the truth was always there in the background, waiting for me when I returned to my chambers alone. 

It was there as I ran around the holding during the day completing my duties, as I traversed Galae's cobbled streets, as I interacted with the Vargan housestaff. It was there every morning when I met with Iola, talked and laughed with our delegation members, sparred with our Guard.

I would be sparring with different Guard before long. 

This would be my home soon.

And this would be my Clan.

The truth was never far from my thoughts. 

But we hadn't talked about it yet. We had talked about almost everything else - my experiences in Intelligence, his challenges and triumphs as Clan Leader, my travels outside my Clan, his sibling stories, our experiences in Clenlevin, our past lovers, our friends, our favourite foods, music, pastimes. 

Initially, I'd been awkward, my natural reticence rearing its head, keeping my responses brief. He was a skilled conversationalist though, drawing me out carefully, patiently, gently, never pushing, never aggressive and I found myself sharing more with him than I'd ever done with anyone. And I was enjoying talking with him, I was at ease with him, almost forgetting who he was and our situation. 


"My Lords, please be seated." 

I brought myself back into the present, to the meeting chamber where we were gathered, and where the representatives of all the Clans were taking their seats at the request of the Leader of Galae, their aides, like me, standing behind them. 

"Thank you all for attending this briefing. This is Tetis, Chief Guard for our Clan." The Leader of Galae indicated a tall female who looked like a well seasoned Warrior, with striking features and piercing blue eyes, her white hair in an intricate braid down her back. "I will let her explain why this meeting has been convened." He stepped back, as she came forward.

"I'll keep this brief, I know you all have other meetings to go to." I liked Chief Tetis' style, she didn't bother with any formalities, getting straight to the point, her deep voice matter-of-fact. "First, you will be seeing an increased Guard presence going forward. As our Cai has been found, you will appreciate the need, I am sure." 

I hid a smile at her tone, which sounded very much as if she didn't care one way or the other, although my stomach lurched at her words. Our Cai has been found

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