King's Knight

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"You look like you've just gone through the Gauntlet."

I'd just shrugged on a fresh robe when I heard the familiar sardonic voice.

"Rough trip?" Jax asked as he came into the chamber, his expression giving away nothing, but I knew him well enough to know he hadn't missed a thing. 

"You could say that." I said, inclining my head at him as he shut the door behind him, and headed for the small side table that held a jug and two glasses, pouring himself a glass of the cooled fruit wine.

I'd only just arrived back in Clanholme within the hour, having spent the past few days in Pendragon upon our return from Clenlevin. I'd barely had time to set down my travel pack and get cleaned up when Jax had come to find me. 

"I heard about what happened with Ri." He said, turning to face me.

I glanced at him as I pulled the folds of my robe into place and began tying it.

"How are you?" He asked quietly.

There was a loaded question, if I'd ever heard one. How was I? 

Well, I'd been travelling for a good five weeks or more, tracking Ri to Clenlevin and bringing her back, I'd been on constant alert for the Rogues throughout, I'd had that little surprise waiting for me in Clenlevin, I'd had to contend with what Ri had done and with what I'd done to our friendship, and in the background had been the persistent hum of my little secret.

It was safe to say that I was overwhelmed.

But I didn't want to talk about it.

"Fine." I said briefly. "Clan Leader sent me on ahead to meet you. He said you'd tell me the rest?"

Jax raised an eyebrow at my deliberate change of subject, but knew too well not to push it.

"We've got visitors." He glanced at me. "I think you've been expecting them."

I looked at him in mild surprise. This was the task force - but I hadn't expected it to arrive this fast. 

"Who are they?" I asked.

"Four Warriors and Guard each from the other two Clans having this Rogue problem."

"Morin and Vargas." I stated. Jax nodded in agreement.

"They figured since our three Clans have this problem, we'd work together on it and keep the others informed. Resource maximisation or something." Jax gestured vaguely. I smiled faintly. We both had a similar aversion to Council-speak.

"They're ostensibly guests of the Clan Leader, invited to promote interClan relations." He continued. "It's a solid cover, doesn't raise too many questions."

I had a pretty good idea whose idea that had been.

"Your timing couldn't be better." He drained his glass and set it down. "They're waiting to be briefed by you, since you're the lead on our end."

"You could have done that. You know what I know, Jax." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Well, you have such a way with words." He said, grinning. 

"Right." I said drily.

"And it helps that you're easy on the eyes." He pretended to look me over from top to bottom. "Although I've never seen the appeal myself."

"Well, you've always had suspect taste." I said caustically, tying a scarf securely around my neck to keep my matemark concealed. Jax chuckled, as I preceded him to the door, but before I could open it, he put his hand out to keep it closed. I looked at him enquiringly.

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