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I felt his voice ripple through my body.

I couldn't move. 

His eyes were locked on me, ocean blue, not a hint of green, calm and resolved. This was not emotional, this was deliberate and planned. He knew exactly what he was doing - and so did I. 

"Lio?" Clan Leader Craege repeated slowly, and then he followed Xent's gaze to where I stood and I saw his expression change, registering shock. 

In any other circumstance, it would have been hilarious. Most of the leadership, standing up on the dias, were staring at me, looking as if they'd been hit by a meteor. And the Vargans - of whom Alen was one, I noted dimly - while seeming unsurprised by the announcement, were also staring my way, undisguised curiousity on their faces. 



Ri had turned and was looking at me, and there was shock on her face too, followed by dawning understanding.


I turned my head back to Clan Leader Craege.

"You are Clan Leader Xent's mate?" He asked, eyes intent on me.

I glanced at Xent. He was watching me, those ocean eyes steady and waiting for my reply. So, it seemed, was everybody else. 

I swallowed and took a deep breath.


There was a stunned silence. Then the whispers and murmurs began, and I could feel every eye in the room upon me. My stomach clenched tighter, suddenly I was finding it difficult to breathe. I felt faint, as if I was going to black out.

And then I felt a cool hand on my arm, just as Ri stepped to my side.

"My Lords, perhaps some privacy." She said quietly but clearly. I saw her eyes meet Xent's, they looked at each other for a long moment, and then he inclined his head slightly. 

"Come on." Her hand still on my arm, she gently pushed me to move towards the door, leading the way through the parting, murmuring crowd, out of the hall and in the direction of the Clan Leader's private chambers. 

I followed her mutely, unable to think straight, unable to take it in.

I should have seen it coming. After the confrontation we'd had - and how I'd left him - I should have known. I'd crossed a line, I knew it. So he'd acted and acted decisively. He'd done the one thing he could to make damn well sure that I never again could run from him like that. By announcing his Claim, he'd made it public beyond recall.  Vargas probably already knew. And by the end of the hour, it would be all over my Clan. Within days, all over the Clanlands. There was no going back.

As we entered Clan Leader Craege's private chambers, I realised he was right behind us, with Damien following him and closing the door so that it was just us four. 

Ri stayed by my side as I turned to face them.

"Xent found his mate at the Clan Congress a year and a half ago." Clan Leader said quietly.

I didn't say anything.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

Ri was watching me and when I still didn't speak, she did.

"It's a lot to deal with, my Lord." She said softly, her eyes still on me. "Learning you are the Cai of a Clan." She smiled faintly at me. "Learning you have to leave your Clan of birth, everything you've known, your home, your friends." She put her hand on my arm again and her voice was low. "That's a lot to deal with."

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