Chapter 10 - Dessert

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When I woke up the next day, I felt my eyes hurt as I opened them. I looked at the mirror, and I could see the dry and sensitive skin around them. I look for some cream to put in the area, and I also search for my phone. When I saw that it was already six o'clock, I got ready as fast as I could, realising I was one hour late to my train with P'Tay.

I ran to the tracks, but he wasn't there, then I went to the gym, and he wasn't there either. There was only the shooting room left, which leaves me a bit reluctant to go there considering everything.

I stay at the door just looking. I know someone is inside because I can hear the shots, but I have no idea who. After debating with myself about whether to open the door or go back to my room, I decide to enter the room, regretting it the next second.

P'Kim was inside, and he had seen me, so I couldn't sneak out.

It was an awkward moment. We were looking at each other, his eyes seemed to have a mix of sadness and anger, and he could clearly see the red and sore skin around mine. Neither one of us opened his mouth. I was going to get out, but he started walking to the door instead.

"You can stay. I'll go. The gun is on the table it should be the one you are used to." He said and just left

I went to the table, filled the gun with bullets, and started shooting. I wasn't really seeing where the bullets ended up, I was just thinking about everything. So many things happened yesterday that I didn't have time to process them all. I screamed at PKim, and now everybody knows about what happened between us. I don't know what is going to happen, but I hope they don't treat me differently. Well, I know Hia is going to, I lost a bit of his trust, and he is also worried about Matteo.

I don't know what to think of him, when I saw him yesterday, I just wanted to disappear. I don't have any feelings for him, not even close. As much as it pains me to say it, I am still very much in love with P'Kim. I do think after our discussion, my heart will start to understand that we need to move on because the boy is more problematic than my math homework.

I'm not so innocent though, I know that there must have been a reason for him to do what he did with me, but that doesn't diminish how much he hurt me. Thinking about that made me think about the necklace with the numbers. I still had no idea what they meant. I thought the numbers could indicate letters, but "abc aci" isn't a word in any language; then I added the numbers, getting 19, that could either be "ai" or "t", none of which made sense, so I'm just wanting to see what happens. There's not much I could do anyway.

I grab one of the towels they have and dry the sweat as I make my way to the kitchen. I walk by the entrance, and I hear people arguing, so I go see what is happening.

"I just want to talk to Porchay, it won't take 10 minutes." I hear a now familiar voice in a not-so-nice tone

"I'm sorry, sir, but I can't let you in. Those are the orders I got."

"Can you at least tell him I'm here?"

"I can't, sir...

"What is going on here?" I ask, Why was Matteo at the front door arguing with a bodyguard about me?

"Khun Porchay." The bodyguard said, bowing his head, "Khun Matteo wants to talk to you, but I'm not authorised to let him in, I'm just trying to make him understand that I can't disobey orders."

"And you can't tell me that he was here either." I say with a cold voice

"I'm sorry, but those were the orders I got." He says looking at the ground

"Who gave those orders?" I ask, but he doesn't answer, "Was it my brother? P'Kinn? P'Thankhun?"

"I'm not allowed to say. I'm sorry, Khun Porchay, I can't disobey orders."

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