Chapter 56 - Problems and solutions

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I stay still for a moment, thinking about what to do. The room is filled with people that I care about, I can't be stupid. I look at P'Kim, who is looking at me, and Matteo is just looking confused between us.

"Khun Porchay? What are your orders?" Luca asks

"I'll go open the door." I say as I see P'Kim showing his phone to Matteo, "I want everyone ready to attack if needed. Shoot to hurt and immobilise, not kill."

"Yes sir."

"Thank you." I say and get back to the table, waiting for the doorbell to ring.

I sit at the table, and everybody is looking at each other, suspecting something, but I just smile and act as normal.

"Who was that?" my brother asks

"Luca, he is a very nice man." I say

"What did he want?"

"Nothing important, just to be sure about something."

"What things?" Hia can't you just buy what I say once? I ask myself

"Problems in a factory in Italy." P'Kim says coming to my rescue "But we already have people there taking care of it."

"You're involved in the business?" Hia asks

"Yes, in some part of it." I said, and then the bell rang, "I'll go you can eat lunch, Aunty."

I get up and go to the door, take a deep breath, and open up with a smile, the best I can get. I open the door and see Khun Korn in his usual suit with his fake smile that makes me want to punch his face, but Hia gave me an education, and I don't punch old people.

"Khun Korn! We thought you wouldn't come, we almost started without you." I say opening the door for him

"Oh, sweet Porchay, I'm the one at fault. It smells amazing in here." he says

I guide him to the table and go grab a plate for him. Why am I doing this? Why can't I just shoot him? I try not to get stuck in my head because I need to be here and I need to deal with this. I put the plate in front of him and returned to my seat. I touch Matteo's leg under the table and smile at P'Kim to show them that I'm okay, but honestly, I'm more worried about them than myself.

"I guess now we are all here." Matteo says "There's food for everyone, so don't be shy and enjoy."

"Before we start..." Khun Korn says interromping "I just want to give Matteo and Yuri a little welcome gift since they will be joining this family." He has a bag and takes out two wraps.

Matteo extends his hand and accepts it, as does Yuri. When Yuri opens it, it's just a DVD, he'll probably buy a computer to see what's inside. But when Matteo opens his, it's like he changes colour; it's a painting, not any painting, it's Matteo and a woman sitting next to each other. There aren't any photos around here, but he looks like her, that's Matteo's mother.

"Thank you, Khun Korn, that was very thoughtful of you." he says, trying to smile

I look at P'Kim, who is as worried as I am. We need to take Matteo out of here and take him to a place where he can breathe. I make some signal to P'Kim, trying to say that I'll take him.

"Teo..." I say, and I check my phone "Fred wants to talk, it's about the factory."

"Oh, I left my phone upstairs."

"I'll go get it for you."

We excuse ourselves and go upstairs. Matteo has the painting in his hands, and as soon as the elevator's doors close, he cries.

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