Chapter 24 - Dancing with the devil

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Porchay's Pov

Time passed fast, faster than I wanted it to. It's almost seven o'clock and I need to start getting ready, I take a hot shower this time, mostly to wash all the makeup I have in my neck. I dry myself and I do my hair. I dress the pastel blue pants and wait for P'Tay to arrive and do the rest. He sends me a message saying that he'll be here in five minutes.

"Those pants really make your ass look amazing." He says walking in "This is worse than I expected, but nothing to fear your neck will be completely normal when I finish."

He starts doing his magic and I try to be as still as I can. Now I realise that I have to spend the next hours with Matteo alone and the last time he took me to dinner, it didn't end up the best way.

I think if me and P'Kim ever get married I'm not going to have food because every time, me, boys, love and food hangout things tourn out like shit.

I'm still worried about the way me and Matteo will act tonight because we're supposed to be two lovesick puppies.

"I'm almost done, try to relax. You are too serious for someone that will have a hot date with a hot guy."

"I'm not concerned about that." I lie "I'm stressing about later."

"I already told you, all eyes will be on the two of you tonight, so own them. Own people's eyes."

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean by that?"

"You know why Porche or Pete are respected as mafia lovers?" I shake my head in negation

"Because they own the role, and they own their men. They never bowed their head to anyone and they accept who they love completely. That's what you need to do. You like him, right?"

"I do, he is nice and flirty. He put together a music room for me and is very patient, plus I think he really likes me." Don't cry Porchay this makeup is taking too long, you can't redo it

"Let him take the lead this time, he is used to the environment, he'll know what to do and be by his side, never behind him."

"Thank you, P'Tay."

"You're welcome. Now you should get going because I'm pretty sure your men is waiting for you for about five minutes now." He says and I look at the clock realising almost ten minutes have passed after eight so I dress my chemise, P'Tay puts more fixing spray and I go down as fast as I can.

"Porchay! You're still here, that's good." Hia says running after me "Wow, you look stunning, as beautiful as a model."

"Thank you."

"I have something for you..." he says holding a box that I know "I know I'm harsh on you but it's because I don't want you to do the same shit I did. When you returned this back to me, I knew you were ready for whatever it was to come, and I was proud of you for being brave and give it back, but right now with everything that is going on and the way you are dealing with this situation, I think it's time to give it to his rightful owner, you." he says and gives me the box with my gun inside, my beautiful and deadly white gun "I trust you and the gun is yours, it's your right. Use it as you see fit. And he asked me to tell you that he trusts you and knows you will do the right thing even if he doesn't like it." I know he is talking about P'Kim "And he misses you, he didn't told me but I could see he wanted to."

"Thank you Hia." I say and hug him, I wish I could say something more but right now I'm just feeling, I have my gun back, I have news from P'Kim and the rest it's a complete mess but let's focus on the good things because this is going to be a long night

"Porchay, I want to make it very clear that I'm proud of you. you changed a lot but you will always be my little brother and I'll always take of you. I'm going to be there tonight in case something happens, I hope everything goes well but this mafia man they always think of them as an almighty god."

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