26. cruel intentions

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I don't understand why

But there are people that won't rest

Until the scars on their face

Become wounds on your race.


Every conversation is a battlefield

Nothing is that simple

Everyone is out to get them.

Someone has a secret,

and this secret must be known

for any ounce of trust to grow.


There are people that are allergic to peace

Or reasoning

Or space

Or breathing

Rage is the vehicle

That they crash into our lives

And that is how the world starts burning.


There are people that break me no matter how strong I try to be

They are the ones I avoid

That would kneel on Floyd

That want the world to shatter

Because they haven't had their joy.


There are people
That choose to be villains
By their own hands

To shatter peace
To be the nuisance.
Because they can.

The worst villains
Train themselves
In the art of cruel intentions
For no other reason but
Causing hell.


A Diary of Soul (Unedited Version)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum