54. solemnity

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Pleasure is self-defeating without pain.

How would you ever know gratitude if you have no need for anything? If you are always clothed? Always fed? How will you appreciate victory if everything always went in your favour? You learn gratitude because you realise the value attached. You appreciate things because they add to life. You treasure joy more when you've experienced devastating sadness. You enjoy success after continuous attempts at reaching the mark.

This is the human flaw, we forget. We get bored, we want pleasure. Even at the detriment of our own peace. So consistent calm, continuous abundance, never-ending success makes us forget.

If our world was without consequence, both good and bad, we would live in a nightmare. People would roam the earth like zombies, because what else can you call a person that destroys themselves to destroy others?

There is beauty in pain. It is solemn. It is reflective. It gives the opportunity for improvement.

We strive to maintain peace because we know how devastating its absence can be. We care for ourselves because it is better to make effort to be in a state of radiance that'll inevitably rub off on others and increase the brilliance of life, than be in a state that poisons not only ourselves but society as a whole.

Here is the beauty of pain, it holds the ability to enhance pleasure. It gives us the privilege of improving and becoming better. It presents the next rung in life's ladder.
And all that pain shouldn't be in vain.


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