80. dear diary,

24 3 0

Welcome to the rest of your life.

No one and nothing can steal it from you without your consent. So, always remember to never forget to nurture your flowers and take care of yourself, the gardener.

You never know how many killers will settle with uprooting weeds. Or how many minds you'll save with your flourishing garden.

I hope you realise that life is indeed interconnected tapestry, and that every action you take matters more than you can possibly imagine. We are collectively responsible for how life on earth turns out.
And you are a hundred percent responsible for who you become.

When making choices, please think ahead. Ask yourself "does this lead to where I'm aiming at?" If it doesn't, think again.

Admist the circumstances you can't control, the choices you are to make, and the consequences that they lead to, the paths of life and death have been set before you.

Choose wisely
Choose life.




:) I can't believe that I'm done with this book that I never thought I'll ever finish... I'm so glad that I started it, I'm somewhat sad that it's ending but I'm so happy with the feedback I've gotten from you readers. I'm happy that my words bring light and clarity, and I hope that you always choose life. It was made for you to exist ♡

Hopefully, I'll write something else. Maybe another book, maybe not.

Thank you for everything ^_^


- Ovokive 💗💗

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