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Beomgyu laid next to soobin in the hospital bed whilst watching cartoons on the TV provided in the hospital room. Soobin was sound asleep and let Beomgyu rest on his good arm; Jin had to leave and make a few errands. Soobin told Jin he could watch over Beomgyu with ease, so Jin left Beomgyu in soobin hands.

Five minutes later and a nurse came by to give Soobin some much needed pain medication for his shoulder, it worked wonders but it also knocked soobin out just 30 minutes later. So here Beomgyu is in the hospital bed with Soobin while watching cartoons. Beomgyu sucked on the fabric of his hoodie while he watched TV, his free hand somehow found it's way up to Soobins ear so he settled for playing with Soobins earlobe.

The door suddenly opened and a nurse walked in with a tray of food. "Excuse me sir?? Would you like to. Eat now or would you like to rest some more?" The nurse set the tray down and poked Soobin awake. Soobins face scrunched up as he woke up "hmm? Yes please, thank you" soobin sat up in bed and blinked a few times to clear his blurry eyesight.

The nurse smiled at Soobin and moved helped soobin sit up, beomgyu whined at the sudden movement and moved closer to Soobin. "It's okay I'm not going anywhere.. Just sitting up" soobin gave Beomgyu a reassuring smile as the tray of food was placed in front of soobin.

Soobin thanked the nurse again and once she left soobin used his good hand and picked up his chopsticks. Beomgyu let out an even louder whine and grabbed the chop sticks from soobin. "No.. I do it.. " beomgyu used the chopsticks and fed Soobin a mouthful of rice. Soobin hummed "wow Beomgyu, did Jin magically teach you how to use chopsticks because if so you're doing such a good job" soobin gave Beomgyu a thumbs up. Beomgyu giggled softly, his eyes were so big and filled with stars as he fed Soobin. "Now my turn to take care ob you" beomgyu wiggled his butt as he picked up a grain of rice and ate it. His little tail twitched with happiness.

"Oh? So are you gonna give me a bath time and tuck me in for bed?" Soobin asked, a smile grew on his face as he watched Beomgyus face light up. "MHM!! Gonna feed you an play an gib you nap time hehe" beomgyu stuck his tongue out at soobin and he couldn't help but laugh.

"But what if I start crying?? Or what if I'm playing and I get a scratch? " soobin asked with a frown. Beomgyu tapped his cheek as he thought; when an idea came to his mind his face lit up. "Gonna kiss it alllll better like MWAH!"  Beomgyu said and have the air a big kiss.

Soobin couldn't help but give Beomgyu head pats, he's such a cutie!

"Awe Beomgyu you take such good care of me already, look at you feeding me" soobin praised Beomgyu, his words were soft but they held lots of meaning. Soobin never thought they'd be in this situation, him in the hospital and Beomgyu feeding him. It feels just like yesterday when Soobin found Beomgyu in that box during the winter, and now the snow is all gone and spring is coming.

"No worry Binnie, I gonna get big an stwong an keep binnie safe!! " beomgyu said and tried to make a serious face, but of course his face looked adorable with his eyebrows pushed together and his lips pouted out. He's cute without even trying.

"Really? I can't wait to see you grow big and strong Beomgyu, but you'll still be my baby bear~~" soobin tickled Beomgyu in his tummy. Beomgyu started a giggling fit and laid over Soobins lap as Soobin tickled him. "Nooooo" beomgyu giggled as he shook his head back and forth.

Soobin giggled along with Beomgyu and leaned down, he placed a kiss on Beomgyus nose and sat back up. "No matter how big and strong you get you'll still be my baby bear, and I'll still love you till the end of time" soobin said with a calm voice. Beomgyu stared up at Soobin with nothing but absolutely love in his eyes.

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