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"Noo" Beomgyu said as he started to make his toy ship sink. Soobin shook his head as he washed Beomgyus hair. "Head back" Soobin head and picked up his cup and filled it with water.

Beomgyu threw his head back and giggled when Soobin poured the water over his hair to get it clean.

Soobin made sure the water didn't touch beomgyus ears as he cleaned his hair. Once Soobin was done he out the cup aside and pulled the plug in the bath. "Come on" Soobin said and lifted beomgyu out of the tub. "Bye bye" Beomgyu said while waving at his toys.

"You'll see them again tomorrow night" Soobin said while he dried off Beomgyu.

After Soobin dried and clothed Beomgyu, he walked into his room and set beomgyu on the bed. Soobin had already taken himself a shower and wouldn't need one at the moment. Soobin laid in bed and patted his chest. Beomgyu grabbed his black bunny binnie and climbed on Soobins chest and laid down.

"Good night beomgyu" Soobin said and reached over and turned off his lamp. It was silent for some time before Soobin heard some mumbling.

He smiled to himself. Beomgyu had made a habit of talking himself to sleep. He would talk quietly to his stuffed animals till he was tired himself out.

Soobin didn't mind, he actually found it cute. Beomgyu's conversations were actually cute. So he never complained about it.

Soobin sighed and closed his eyes and soon fell asleep to Beomgyu talking.

It had only been two weeks, and Beomgyu was finally starting to open up more to Soobin. Soobin loved it. He loved having beomgyu's company.

He loved Beomgyu.


"Soobin...bin bin??"

Soobin groaned and opened an eye. He saw Beomgyu sitting on his chest hugging his stuffie to his chest. Soobin looked over at his alarm clock, he was surprised to see that it said 3:16AM.

"what is it hm? Are you hungry?" Soobin asked as he slowly sat up and let Beomgyu fall to his lap. Beomgyu shook his head and squeezed his knees together. "I need the potty" He said and wiggled around. Soobin raised an eyebrow and watched Beomgyus movements. "How bad?" He asked and scratched his head.

Beomgyu let out a loud whine and laid his head on Soobins chest "Bad.." Beomgyu said and looked up at Soobin "bad bad"

Soobin shook his head and put Beomgyus stuffie aside and picked up beomgyu and walked to his bathroom.  "Will you listen to me when I tell you now to drink a cup of water before bed from now on?" Soobin asked as he grabbed Beomgyu potty seat and opened the toilet seat soobin set the potty seat on top of the toilet and put Beomgyu down and helped him pulled his Pj's down. Soobin set beomgyu on his potty seat and turned around.

"Ahh" Beomgyu said as he started to pee. Soobin chuckled "from now on I'm only giving you half a cup before before water okay?" Soobin said as he leaned against the wall. He was still in fact tired, he would have asleep on the wall if beomgyu wouldn't have e said something.

"I'm done"

Soobin jumped up and cleared his throat. "Did you wipe yourself?" Soobin asked beomgyu said yes and flushed the toilet. Soobin turned around and helped beomgyu pull his pj's back up.

Soobin held beomgyu above the sink so he could wash his hands. "....18. 19.20" Soobin counted to 20 before he turned off the sink and helped Beomgyu dry his hands.

When he was done he picked beomgyu back up and walked back into his room.

"Why no eat now?" Beomgyu asked and pointed to Soobins door. Soobin  shook his head and laid back down "it's not time to eat yet beomgyu" Soobin said and handed Beomgyu his stuffie.

"Why?" Beomgyu asked and laid on Soobins chest. Soobin pulled the covers over them. "Because it's still early beomgyu, I know you're still tried to, so let's go back to sleep" Soobin said with a sigh and closed his eyes. Beomgyu looked up at soobin and shook his head "am not.... Tired" Beomgyu said with a yawn in between. Soobin smiled and patted beomgyus hair. "Sleep" Soobin said and closed his eyes.

Beomgyu nodded and laid his head down and soon fell asleep with  Soobin.



Soobin fell off of his bed and on to the floor. He let out a groan and looked up. "In switching my locks" Soobin said once he saw Jin Standing at the door. "Soobin..." Beomgyu said as he crawled to the end of the bed and look at him. Soobin looked over at beomgyu and smiled. Beomgyu looked so tired with his messy hair and closed eyes.

"You woke us up Jin" Soobin said as he stood up and stretched before he picked up beomgyu. "I don't care, it's play date day" Jin said and walked out of the room with a smile. "Huh" Soobin said as he soon followed Jin.

The two walked into the living room. "You've gotta be kidding me" Soobin said once he saw all four of Jin's hybrids. "Hello Soobin!" Jungkook said and ran up to Soobin with a big smile. "Hello kookie" Soobin said and patted Jungkooks head.

"I heard so much about your bear hybrid!!" Taehyung said as he walked over to soobin and stared at beomgyu.

Taehyung smiled at Beomgyu and pinched his cheeks "Jin can we keep it!!" Taehyung asked with a smile. "For the love of god, no one is taking beomgyu" Soobin said.

"Good I already struggle with this one" Yoongi said and pointed to Taehyun who was playing with Yoongis tail. "Can I see your claws?" Taehyun asked making Yoongi sigh.

"Peace was never an option" Yoongi said. "I don't have claws, I have normal hands just like you for the last time" Yoongi mumbled.

"Oh....okay...you're boring" Taehyun said with a shrug. Yoongis head snapped and he looked at Taehyun. "What did you just call me you little squirrel, I know dogs hate you and all but I'll be the first cat to eat a ignorant squirrel!!" Yoongi said and started to chase Taehyun around the apartment.

Soobin and Beomgyu looked at each other with tired eyes. This was possibly gonna be a hard day.



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Bye bye

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