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"So little bear, what type of meat do you like?" Taehyung asked as he watched Beomgyu stack up blocks before knocking them down. "I like the red one" Beomgyu said as he started to rebuild the tower of blocks.

"Ah...you mean steak?" Taehyung asked. Beomgyu just Shrugged before kicking the blocks down and clapped while jumping up and down. "See dat!?" He asked while pointing to The blocks he had just knocked down.

Taehyung put his hand on his heart and pouted "why can't we keep him?!" Taehyung yelled as he kicked his legs. Yoongi stopped liking his hand and turned to The two. "Because he's Soobins hybrid and Taehyuns still scared Beomgyu will eat him" Yoongi said catching Taehyuns attention.

"No!" Taehyun said and stopped playing with his toy car. "I'm over it, I know he won't eat me" Taehyun said and stuck his tongue out at Yoongi. Yoongi rolled his eyes and looked at Beomgyu "go rawr Beomgyu" Yoongi said.

Beomgyu smiled and put his hands up like claws and looked at Taehyun "rawr~~" He said and started to stump over to Taehyun.

"Ahhhh!!" Taehyun said and dropped his car and ran over to jungkook who was busy playing his games on his PS4.

"Jungkookie help!" Taehyun said and jumped onto Junkooks lap and hugged his waist tight. Jungkook paused his game and pulled off his headset. "What's wrong hm?" Jungkook asked.

Tears fell down Taehyuns eyes. "B-Beomgyus trying t-to eat meeeeee" Taehyun said. Jungkook frowned and turned to Yoongi "Yoongs, you know how Taehyun is" Jungkook said while tsking his lips before he looked back down at Taehyun and wiped away his tears.

"Don't cry little one alright, you can stay with me and I'll keep you safe alright?" Jungkook said.

Taehyun smiled and laid his head on Jungkooks chest while hugging him tight. Truth was, out of all the hybrids. Taehyun liked Jungkook the most.

"Alright alright guys it's lunch time~" Jin said with a tray of food in his hands as he walked into the room. The hybrids cheered happily as they walked over to the table they ate at in the room and smiled as Jin sat their food in front of them all. Beomgyu grabbed Jin's pants leg and tugged on it. "Food?" He asked when Jin looked down at him.

Jin picked Beomgyu up and smiled "I have somewhere special for you to eat" Jin said and walked out of the play room and started making his way downstairs into the kitchen.

At the kitchen sat food and juice that was for Beomgyu. Jin sat Beomgyu down and grabbed his iPad and went to FaceTime. The room was silent before a small tune went off from the iPad. Jin sat it in front of Beomgyus food and patted Beomgyu head.

"I'll be back soon" He said before leaving the room. Beomgyu watched Jin leave with a confused look before he looked at the iPad and gasp.

"BIN BIN!" Beomgyu said when he saw Soobin on the other side of the ipad.

"Hey baby bear. Have you been having fun?" Soobin asked and raised an eyebrow. Beomgyu quickly nodded and picked up his tater tot and ate it. "Was big ting an I go BOOM an it fall wike dis.....an den I was wike rawr~~ and boom boom boom!" Beomgyu babbled on and on with big eyes as he clapped his hands together.

"Yeah?...then what?" Soobin asked as he rested his chin on his palm.

Beomgyu Squealed randomly when he saw orange juice in his sippy cup and put it in front of the camera. "Look it bin bin" Beomgyu said and swinged his legs back and forth while drinking his orange juice.

"Baby bear...Do you miss me?" Soobin asked and watched beomgyu set his sippy cup aside and nod.

"When see bin bin I gonna hug like dis! An den I get 'ig present cuz bin bin?" Beomgyu said and picked up his grilled cheese. "Yes baby bear?"

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