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"Bin bin?..." Beomgyu asked as Soobin helped Beomgyu put his pants on. Soobin made sure the pants were on nice and cozy before looking at Beomgyu.

"Yes baby bear?" Soobin said, testing out a new nickname he wanted to use for Beomgyu. Beomgyu immediately smiled at the nickname and giggled. It was silent for a while as Beomgyus smile slowly disappeared

"Is Soobin getting rid of me??" Beomgyu asked and tilted his head slightly.

It was now the next day, ever since Beomgyu begged and cried not to go back to wherever he came from. After he woke up, he didn't wanna leave Soobin side. And yes..that meant he went to the bathroom with Soobin.

Soobin wished he knew Beomgyus whole story...does he even know his mother?..where is Beomgyu from?...But then again...how would a three year old know all of this??

All Soobin knew...was that Beomgyu was from a place that involved the black market..Park Jimin has a business there..and Beomgyu must have been a valuable item to Jimin..but Somehow....Someone got Beomgyu out. And he's been in that box for God knows how long. Till Soobin found him and took him in.

It's so sad..really..Soobin could never...every think about giving up Beomgyu. Beomgyu has made his life so much better, Beomgyu has given Soobin a new meaning to live...not saying that he didn't have one before.

"Of course not Little one...Soobin has to go in for work for a couple hours and you can't stay here by myself, so Soobin will take you to uncle Jin's place and you'll be there till he gets back" Soobin said and helped Beomgyu with his socks and shoes.

Beomgyu shook his head and grabbed Soobins face. "No....wanna 'tay with Bin Bin" Beomgyu said as he pout came to his face. Soobin sighed softly and leaned up to kiss Beomgyus forehead. "Soobin knows baby bear...he wants you to stay with Him as well...but you can't..." Soobin said.

Beomgyu blinked as he looked down with sad eyes. Soobin frowned and ran his his hand through Beomgyus hair "little one..." He said waiting for Beomgyu to look up at him.

But Beomgyu still didn't look up, making Soobin let out a small hmp like noise "baby bear~" Soobin said again. Beomgyus lips twitched, but he still didn't look up.

Soobin bent down a little more and looked Beomgyu in the eyes as Beomgyus head was still down.


As soon as Soobin said that his head shot up. "Yesh?" He said with a small cute slur in his words. Soobin smiled before standing up then picked Beomgyu up.

"If...jin Tells me you've been a good boy...Soobin Will have a big Gift waiting for you when he takes you back home" Soobin said and grabbed Beomgyus travel bag, Filled with everything Beomgyu would need. Like his new ipad so he could watch Pocoyo. Lots and lots of orange juice. His paci because if helps him breath. And extra clothes and underwear just in case of an accident. And more things of course.

Yes, Soobin was a little worried. It was gonna feel weird...going a whole day without his Beomgyu..

Soobin was soon walking out of the door in his suit and Beomgyu in his arms and everything he needed.

Soobin was nervous, and not for work..but for Beomgyu.

Soobin walked outside and got inside of the limo when he saw it, he knew it was for him because he knew his brother sent it. soobin would drop beyomgyu off and Then go off to work. But it was easier said then down of course.


"Its only gonna be for a couple hours alright?" Soobin repeated again as he rubbed Beomgyus shoulders. Soobin stood on one knee In front of the door  as he looked at Beomgyu. Beomgyu had a big frown on his face as Jin stood behind him with Beomgyus travel bag in his arms.

Beomgyu grabbed Soobins wrist and shook his head. It had been like this for about a good Six minutes, Beomgyu just didn't want Soobin to leave him. After Yesterday...Beomgyu feared that Soobin would leave Him.

Beomgyu didn't want that he wanted to be with Soobin forever...He didn't want his guardian angel to leave him.

Soobin sighed before reaching his hand out for Beomgyu travel bag, which Jin handed to Soobin quickly. Soobin looked around the bag before he pulled out Beomgyu new IPad.

He put in the easy password that he helped Beomgyu learn and went to the face time app. "You see this?" Soobin Questioned and pointed to his contact. Beomgyu looked at it and nodded.

"I have three  meetings today..and there's 15 minutes In between Two of them..Ill call you both times alright??" Soobin said as he wiped away a tear he saw falling from Beomgyus eye. Beomgyu grabbed Soobins wrist with both of his hands. "Will get to see Soobin??" Beomgyu asked with fast blinks.

Soobin nodded "yes...and we can talk to each other and you can tell Soobin all~ the fun things your doing" Soobin said and watched a smile crack on Beomgyus face. "An 'till get 'ig gif'??" Beomgyu asked and slightly bounced up and down.

Soobin chuckled and put the iPad back Into the bag before he pulled Beomgyu in for a hug.

Soobin turned his head and gave Beomgyu a big kiss on the cheek which cause Beomgyu to giggle. "Soobin loves you babyboy~" Soobin said and Gave Beomgyu more kisses on the cheek.

Beomgyu squealed and nodded "love Soobin too" Beomgyu said and wiggled his body. Soobin smiled, he was happy that Beomgyu was letting him go off to work. Soobin knew Beomgyu would miss him. But Soobin was prepared to listen to Beomgyu talk on and on while they talk over Phone/IPad.

Soobin stood up and slightly opened the door. "Bye bye now" Soobin said as he slowly opened the door again. "Bye bye..." Beomgyu said cutely and watched Soobin step out of the house.

"Soobin will be back" Soobin said careful as he slowly closed the door. "Oki" Beomgyu said again and watched the door close.

And Soobin was gone. For a while, Beomgyu stared at the door. He was hoping and wishing that time would move quicker and Soobin would be walking in with the big gift for Beomgyu.

That's all Beomgyu wanted. He knew he'd see Soobin. But how long did he have to Wait for those fifteen minutes to come??

Jin bent down and picked up Beomgyus travel bag and grabbed Beomgyus hand. "Don't worry little bear, my Hybrids are dying to play with you. And soon Soobin will be back" Jin said and started to walk down the hallway and up the stairs. He made sure to walk Slow so Beomgyu could still get up the stairs.

Once they were up the stairs Jin walked to a room and opened the door. Beomgyus eyes quickly lit up. The room was big! It was colorful and gave Beomgyu energy as soon as he walked In. All four of Jin's hybrids could be found somewhere in the room doing something.

"Alright little bear...this is my  hybrids play room...and today you'll be I here playing with them!"


Soobins and Beomgyu relationship is so ÙWÚ!!!

I love it all so much!!

Sorry for any spelling mistakes

Love you all! Stay safe! Vote!!

Bye bye!!!

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