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"Can you say flour Beomgyu??" Soobin asked as he pointed to the bag of flour. Beomgyu smacked that bag of flour and giggled when it fell over. "Fower!" He said and looked up at Soobin for approval. "Yes good job!" Soobin said and gave Beomgyu a high five.

"Aweeeeee he's so cuteee" Kai said as he watched the two of them from a far. Soobin smiled and watched as Beomgyu smacked the bag of flour. "Yeah.. Thank you for teaching us how to make bear claws, he really loves them so now I can just make them at home for him when he wants some.." Soobin said.

"Anything for that cute bundle of joy... Okay.. Let's get started yeah?? First we'll start with the dry ingredients" Kai said and walked to the other side of the table.

"Fower?" Beomgyu asked and picked up the bag of it. Kai nodded and grabbed his measuring cup "yes we'll started with the flour, okay Soobin five cups of the flour in the mixing bowl, do them separately" Kai said and demonstrated what to do. Soobin filled the cup with with flour and with Beomgyu they poured it in the bowl.

They did this four more times before they moved on the to yeast, sugar and salt.

Beomgyu watched Soobin with big eyes as he cracked an egg over and out the yolk in the bowl. "You wanna try?" Soobin handed Beomgyu the other egg. Beomgyu held the egg with both hands. "Here you crack it gently like so.. Good.. Now you open it slowly... And boom, you did it" Soobin said and patted Beomgyus head when he successfully got the egg into the bowl. Beomgyu stared at the egg yolk in the bowl with big eyes.

"Aweeee" Kai gushed over Beomgyus cuteness. Beomgyu made eye contact with Kai and smiled.

Kai had a small fangirl moment.

Soobin chuckled and patted Beomgyus head.

The two went on to making bear claws. Almost an hour later, Beomgyu was staring at the over watching the bear claws bake with his mouth left open.

"So he's officially yours?" Kai asked as him and Soobin watched Beomgyu from the other side of the kitchen having a drink, nothing bad of course. Just cranberry juice since Kai didn't drink.

"Yeah, he was super duper happy about it but.. When we got home Yeonjun was there again and he hurt Beomgyus feelings..." Soobin explained while he shook his head.

"Ugh Why is Yeonjun still chasing after you? He's the one who cheated on you, and he's the one who broke your heart... It's been years now... When will he learn to let go"

Soobin agreed With Kai's wise words as Beomgyu walked over to Soobin and started to climb on his lap with a tiny grunt. Once Beomgyu got to Soobin lap he grabbed his sippy cup that already had orange juice in it and continued to stare at the oven while drinking his orange juice.

"I wish I could get a hybrid but I'm to scared they won't like me..." Kai said while playing with his glass. Soobin let out a small hum as he thought for a second "Oh I know something, Jin's hybrids were whining to jin about how they wanted human jobs..." Soobin started.

"Jin mostly declines because most jobs don't allow hybrids to work.. But.. they could help out here. Just think about it, it can be like a pastry shop with hybrids. You don't have to own one but as least you can work with three.. And I know it gets busy around here. You won't have to pay they because they don't care for money... Your can just pay them with your pastrys they'd love that" Soobin said while he played with Beomgyus hair that was starting to grow.

Soobin has noticed that the brown hair he thought Beomgyu had was just hair dye, meaning his real hair color was actually black.

Kai's expression lit up HK- "oh yes yes yes pleaseeeee I would love that so much Soobin, I'd literally kiss you right now if I wasn't disgusted by the thought!" Kai clapped his hands.

Soobin rolled his eyes playfully and took his phone out to give Jin a call. The phone ringed a couple times before he answered.

"What's up little bro~~~" Jin said from the other line. Soobin smiled.

"My friend Kai, needs some help around his pastry shop. And Taehyung Jungkook and Yoongi really need a job so.. We could kill to birds with one stone.." Soobin said and let Beomgyu hold his phone since Beomgyu looked at the phone with his big sparkly eyes.

"Yesssssssss brother you're a life saver! Taehyung was just bugging me about it. Give Kai my number and tell him to text me so we can work out a perfect time for the hybrids to come by. I was in the middle of a meeting so byeeeee"

Before Soobin could say something Jin had already hung up and Beomgyu went to play a cute cat game on the phone. Soobin looked up at Kai and was surprised to see Kai had tears in his eyes.

"This means so much Soobin it really does. Just the thought of having help around here takes so much off my shoulders...ah the bear claws are ready" Kai quickly wiped his tears away and went to take the bear claws out of the oven.

Beomgyu squealed and set Soobins phone down then rushed to the oven.

Soobin had only saw Kai cry once, and that was when he official paid off his dent to the bank, making his pastry shop officially his. Soobin never knew Kai was struggling to keep up with running the shop, almost everyday the shop was busy believe it or not. So seeing Kai happy, it made Soobins heart warm.


Soobin walked into his apartment with a carry box filled with The bear claws Him and Beomgyu made. Beomgyu was in Soobins arms munching on one himself. Soobin set Beomgyu down then bent down to to help Beomgyu take his snow boots off.

"Soobinie take bite.." Beomgyu said and held his baldy eaten bear
Claws up to Soobins mouth. Soobin smiled and took a small bite of the bear claw then helped Beomgyu get out of his coat.

Soobin took off his coat and boots then walked to the kitchen to store the bear claws away safely while Being followed behind Soobin like a baby duck.

Soobin smiled at Beomgyu and picked him up "did you know your hair was black??" Soobin asked as he walked to the living room. Beomgyu held his pastry with both hands and tilted his head.

"Wut dat?..."

SB- "black is a color Baby bear, like Soobins hair. It's black.. And this color is red.." Soobin pointed to his shirt.

Beomgyu stared at Soobins shirt before he smiled "I like red.."


Have I been away to long?

Sorry this is short but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Sorry for any spelling mistakes

Bye bye

Love you all.

Lovely •Soogyu• ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora