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"Take him back, take him back!" Jin yelled as he handed Beomgyu back then Soobin.

As soon as Beomgyu was in Soobin's arms he smiled and laid his head on Soobin's shoulder. "Why is he like that?" Jin asked as soobin picked up Beomgyu's sippy cup and washed the mouth part with hit water before giving it back to Beomgyu.

"I have no idea Jin, but I don't mind" Soobin said as he walked back into the living room and sat on the couch with Beomgyu on his lap.

"No why are you here?" Soobin asked as he leaned back on the couch. "Well...seeing that you're good with kids.. I came to ask for your help" Jin said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Soobin raised an eyebrow. "How so?" He asked as beomgyu shuffled in his spot.

"Well some time ago I got a squirrel hybrid..he's about four in a half and...well he won't listen to me, he throws stuff and he hasn't eaten since he got here..so the only thing I could think about was you coming to my place to see what's wrong with him" Jin said with a sigh.

Soobin nodded. "What's in it for me?" He asked. Beomgyu let out a whine as he moved in his spot again. "What's wrong little one?" Soobin asked as he looked down at Beomgyu.

Jin laughed. "His tail is cramped in the pants Soobin" Jin pointed out. "Huh" Soobin said as he hooked a finger around the pajamas beomgyu were wearing, as soon as he pulled them back a brown fluff ball popped out.

Beomgyu let out a sigh in relief as he continued to watch the cartoon on TV.

"How'd you know that?" Soobin asked with amused eyes. "I know more about Hybrids them you do little bro" Jin said as he put his hands in his coat pockets.

An idea can to Jin's mind. "If you help me out with my little hybrid, I'll get you everything you're hybrid needs like clothes, toys, meat..ect." Jim said with a victory smile.

"Meat?" Soobin asked. Jin rolled his eyes. "His a bear hybrid, as he gets older he's gonna have the desire for meat Soobin" Jin said with a tsk.

Soobin went into deep thought. The kid did sound like he was giving Jin a  hard time, and he guess it wouldn't hurt for Jin to get him the proper things he needs to take care of Beomgyu. So why not?

"Sure I'll help you" Soobin said with a nod. "Great!" Jin said as he clapped his hands together. "Go get you and your little one ready" Jin said as he walked to the door.

"What?" Soobin said as he turned his head to Jin. "I want you both down stairs in the car in twenty minutes!" Jin sang as he walked out of the apartment and closed the door.

Beomgyu and Soobin looked at each other. Beomgyu had no idea what was going on as he happily drank his juice.

Soobin was only worried about one thing, he didn't have a coat for Beomgyu.


Beomgyu had a newly found favorite object, a pacifier. As soon as Soobin slipped it into his mouth he fell in love. So here he was, on Soobin's lap as he sucked on a pacifier while watching a cartoon on Soobin's phone.

Since Soobin didn't have a coat for Beomgyu, his last opinion was to put Beomgyu in layers of clothes to keep him warm. He had taken his scarf and wrapped it around Beomgyu in hopes to keep him even more warm.

Soobin sat in the front of the car while Jin drove. Yes, Jin didn't lie about owning a company that was worth 1 billion dollars.

What did Jin do? He owned a company that has hybrid products, his company is about hybrids. He sells everything you need for any type of hybrid, he even sells them. No it's not a sell in a bad way. Jin loves hybrids, so he makes sure they go to good homes, never terrible ones.

Jin himself did own three hybrids...well four..but Soobin was more familiar with the three.

Yoongi, a cat hybrid. Taehyung, a tiger hybrid. And jungkook, a bunny hybrid. Jin treats jungkook like an actual baby, this is only because jungkook was jins first every hybrid so of course Jin still treats him like a baby.

Soobin doesn't know why he wanted another hybrid, but he's learned never to question his brothers decisions.

They had already been driving for about ten minutes, so soobin was surprised when they already made it to his brothers big mansion.

Jin pushed a button and his garage door open, he slowly pulled in before pushing the button again to make the door go back down.

Jin stopped the car and happily got out. Soobin got out as well with Beomgyu in his arms.

They walked into the house and into a hallway. "His name is Taehyun, try and talk to him yeah? If you need me I'll be in the kitchen" Jin said with a cheeky smile.

Soobin rolled his eyes and made his way up the stairs, he'd have no problem finding the small hybrids room, Jin always had his hybrids names on their bedroom door.

After soobin made it upstairs he started to make his way down the hallway. He was happy that he had found he room. Beomgyu whined as the cartoon went off, soobin smiled and clicked on another video and patted Beomgyu's head.

Soobin knocked on the door. "Go away!" A little voice yelled.

Soobin twitched his eyebrows and opened the door before slowly walking into the room.

The first thing Soobin noticed was his squirrel like tail, the boys turned around to Soobin and huffed. "Leave me alone" He said as he turned back around and faced the wall.

Soobin noticed how the room was messy, it looked like he messed it up. Soobin knew soon Jin would be in here to clean it up, but the boy might just mess it up again.

"My name is Soobin" Soobin said with a smile. The boy turned to soobin "I don't care!" He said as he stumped his foot.

Soobin sighed. "Why don't you tell me why you're upset hm? Then I can help you fix it" Soobin said with a small smile. Taehyun looked at Soobin before he frowned.

"Mama was sleeping, and he took me away from her, I have to go back before mama wakes up" Taehyun said as he looked down.

Soobin could feel his heart stop for a good second. "Who?" He asked as he felt his eyebrows knit together.

"The man with the big shoulders" Taehyun said as he walked over to his bed and sat down as tears came to his eyes. Soobin couldn't believe Jin, he could feel heat rising up his chest.

"Stay here okay" Soobin said before he walked out of the room and quickly started to make his way down stairs.

He walked into the kitchen and was met with Jin eating a sandwich. "You are cruel" Soobin said making Jin look at him. Jin looked around confused as he swallowed his food. "What did I do?" Jin asked as he pointed to himself, all he was doing was eating a sandwich. How was that cruel.

"You took that little hybrid away from his mother, thats what you were doing" Soobin said with a scoff. Jin laughed. "No the hell I didn't" Jin sad as he crossed his arms.

"Yes, he said his mother was sleeping and you took him" Soobin said as he shook his head. Jin laughed again.

"Look..when I found him his mother wasn't "sleep" She...died from the cold weather, soobin"



How was it?

Sorry for any spelling mistakes

Thank you for reading.

Love you all

Bye bye

Lovely •Soogyu• ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ